Wednesday morning news: November 29, 2023 | WORLD
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Wednesday morning news: November 29, 2023


WORLD Radio - Wednesday morning news: November 29, 2023

News of the day, including Jimmy Carter memorializes his wife Rosalynn at her funeral and Indian miners are rescued after being trapped for two weeks

Hamas hostages, cease-fire » As Hamas sets more hostages free under the terms of a temporary cease-fire with Israel, families continue to wait and pray.

Yifat Zailer has multiple family members being held by the terror group, including a 10-month-old boy.

ZAILER: It’s crazy just thinking about it. We are waiting hopelessly, trying to remain positive. Every day counts for that baby.

Israel said Tuesday night that 12 more hostages were released as a fragile truce held for a fifth day.

Hamas has now released about a third of the roughly 240 people it abducted when it attacked Israel on October 7th. Israel has released about 150 Palestinian prisoners in exchange.

Gaza » Meantime, more humanitarian supplies are flowing into Gaza amid the cease-fire. A U.S. military cargo plane carrying food and medical supplies bound for Gaza landed in Egypt on Tuesday, the first of three such flights.

But fuel and other supplies have also been trucked into the Gaza Strip. And some U.S. lawmakers say they’re concerned, including Republican Sen. Bill Hagerty.

HAGERTY: We’re funding both sides of the war. I had Sec. Blinken in front of me just a few weeks ago, and I asked him point blank, “Can you assure me that the humanitarian aid that we’ve sent to Hamas has not been used as weapons to come back to Israel?” He couldn’t do that.

The Biden administration concedes legitimate concerns that Hamas might steal some of the aid.

White House pressures Israel to protect civilians » Whenever the cease-fire ends, Israel has vowed to resume its mission to eradicate Hamas. And the Biden administration is reportedly pressuring Israel to work harder to protect civilians in Gaza when it resumes its ground offensive.

The Associated Press, citing a senior U.S. official, said the White House has told Israel that it must work to avoid “significant further displacement” of civilians and mass casualties.

Ukraine / Finland closes border w/ Russia » Finland is completely sealing off its border with Russia, as it accuses Moscow of waging “hybrid warfare” against the newest member of the NATO alliance. WORLD’s Kristen Flavin explains.

KRISTEN FLAVIN: The Finnish government had already shut down seven of its eight checkpoints along the Russian border. And now it’s closing the last of those crossings.

That’s in response to a surge of migrants from Middle Eastern and African countries entering Finland through Russia.

Finnish officials say they have proof that Russia is helping migrants without proper documentation to reach the border zone.

They called it an attempt to undermine Finland’s national security.

For WORLD, I’m Kristen Flavin.

Emory / Carter ceremony » Former President Jimmy Carter made a rare public appearance Tuesday, attending a tribute service for his late wife and former first lady Rosalynn Carter.

The service at Atlanta's Emory University featured readings of Mrs. Carter’s favorite scriptures and arrangements of her favorite songs.

AUDIO: [“Blessed Assurance” sung by choir]

Family and friends shared memories of Mrs. Carter, including James Carter the Third:

James Carter: In the White House, Mom asked Dad so many questions that he finally said that she should attend cabinet meetings. So she did. And caught a lot of flack for that.

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden were in attendance along with every living former first lady.

Today Mrs. Carter’s remains will be interred at the Carter family home following a private funeral service.

Tunnel rescues » A group of 41 construction workers in mountainous northern India are free after being trapped in a tunnel for more than two weeks. WORLD’s Josh Schumacher has more.

JOSH SCHUMACHER: The men were working on the tunnel as part of a highway project when an avalanche sealed off the exit.

Rescue workers drilled through the final layers of debris and pulled the men out one at a time through a passage made of welded pipes.

DHAMI: [Speaking Hindi]

The regional chief minister says the workers will return home after being treated at a nearby hospital.

The men received food, water, and oxygen through a pipe while they were trapped.

For WORLD, I’m Josh Schumacher.

I'm Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: what to expect from DeSantis versus Newsom on Washington Wednesday. Plus, World Tour.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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