Wednesday morning news: November 22, 2023 | WORLD
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Wednesday morning news: November 22, 2023


WORLD Radio - Wednesday morning news: November 22, 2023

News of the day, including Israel agrees to a cease-fire as part of hostage deal

People gather in Tel Aviv, Israel for a protest calling for the return of 40 children who are held by Hamas militants. Associated Press/Photo by Oded Balilty

Hostage deal update » Israel’s Cabinet has approved a temporary cease-fire with Hamas in a deal to free 50 of the more than 200 hostages the terror group is still holding.

The Israeli government said the first hostages to be released would be women and children.

Americans are among the captives, and the U.S. government had signaled optimism about a deal for days, but State Dept. spokesman Matthew Miller also cautioned,

MILLER: Implementation and execution of an agreement requires the cooperation of Hamas, a terrorist organization. So it’s why we’re always hesitant to say too much about what will happen before it has happened.

The 50 captives will be released over a four-day period. And the Israeli government said it would extend the lull by an additional day for every 10 hostages released by Hamas.

NETANYAHU: [Speaking Hebrew]

But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made clear that regardless of how long the cease-fire lasts, the pause will be temporary.

NETANYAHU: [Speaking Hebrew]

He said “We will continue the war until we achieve all of our goals: to destroy Hamas.”

North Korea satellite » North Korea has announced that it successfully launched a spy satellite into orbit defying a ban from the United Nations and Western countries. WORLD’s Kristen Flavin reports.

KRISTEN FLAVIN: The launch has the United States and its allies concerned, because it involved technologies related to North Korea's long-range ballistic missile program. And Western intelligence agencies believe Russia may have helped Pyongyang after two failed launch attempts earlier in the year.

The satellite’s trajectory carved a path over Japan, leading to a missile warning in Okinawa with officials briefly urging residents to take shelter.

The U.S. and South Korea have already increased military exercises and deployments in response to North Korea's missile testing.

And in response to the satellite launch, South Korea may suspend a 2018 agreement with the North that was aimed at tamping down tensions on the Korean peninsula.

For WORLD, I’m Kristen Flavin.

SOUND: [Ukraine holiday activity]

Zelenskyy Day of Dignity and Freedom » Bells chimed in Ukraine’s capital city as leaders marked a holiday called the Day of Dignity and Freedom.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy attended a ceremony marking 10 years since a pro-European protest movement -- in which about 100 civilians died in violent clashes with security forces.

The uprising ultimately led to the ouster of Kremlin-backed President Viktor Yanukovych.

ZELENSKYY: [Speaking Ukrainian]

Zelenskyy released a video address to the nation calling it “A victory for courage.” And he said it’s a day to remember “when our people are defending themselves and Europe right now.”

Ohio Walmart shooting » Four people are recovering from injuries after a gunman opened fire at a Walmart near Dayton, Ohio.

Acting Beavercreek Police Chief Chad Lindsey:

LINDSEY: Beaver Creek police heard gunshots and advanced toward the threat, located the shooter, who was on the ground with a self inflicted gunshot wound at 8:42pm.

That self-inflicted wound was fatal.

Authorities said the suspect was a 20-year-old male. Police are investigating the shooting.

Senate Panel Investigates Airlines » A group of lawmakers in the Senate is scrutinizing airlines over baggage fees and other add-on charges like those for choosing seats or changing tickets. WORLD’s Josh Schumacher has more.

JOSH SCHUMACHER: Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal wrote to the CEO's of American, Delta, United, Spirit and Frontier Airlines asking how much they collect from each fee and the reasons for them.

Several years ago, airline executives convinced lawmakers to shelve an effort to mandate “reasonable and proportional” baggage and change fees. But from 2018 to 2022, baggage fee revenues from major airlines ballooned from just under $5 billion dollars to nearly $7 billion.

And that has lawmakers once again questioning whether passengers are getting taken for a ride along with their flight.

For WORLD, I’m Josh Schumacher.

SOUND: [Music]

White House tree » A horse and carriage pulled up in front of the White House on Tuesday hauling an 18-foot-tall Native True fir Christmas tree.

Children from military families joined first lady Jill Biden for photos with this year’s official White House tree.

The first lady told reporters:

JILL BIDEN: The tree, which is magnificent, is from the Cline Church Nursery. And some of the kids said that they had never seen a tree so big.

The tree, grown in North Carolina, will stand floor-to-ceiling in the Blue Room.

I'm Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: What to expect from last week’s U.S.-China Summit on Washington Wednesday. Plus, World Tour.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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