Wednesday morning news: June 5, 2024 | WORLD
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Wednesday morning news: June 5, 2024


WORLD Radio - Wednesday morning news: June 5, 2024

News of the day, including President Biden issues an executive order curbing the number of immigrants but blames Republicans for not approving earlier legislation

President Joe Biden speaks during a Congressional picnic at the White House on Tuesday. Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon

Biden border security order » At the White House President Biden on Tuesday announced a new executive order aimed at curbing the border crisis.

The order bars migrants from being granted asylum when the number of border encounters between ports of entry hits 25-hundred per day.

BIDEN: This ban will remain in place until the number of people trying to enter illegally is reduced to a level that our system can effectively manage.

That number is reportedly 15-hundred per day.

Biden told reporters …

BIDEN: This action will help us gain control of our border.

It was the president’s first tacit admission that the border is currently not under control.

Biden vs GOP on border » And he says Republicans are to blame for that for rejecting a recent Senate border bill.

BIDEN: Republicans in Congress — not all, but — walked away from it. Why? Because Donald Trump told them to.

Republicans said the bill was insufficient and could even incentivize more illegal border crossings.

The border is a major political liability for Biden, and he says Republicans don’t want to fix it before Election Day.

GOP lawmakers had plenty to say about that. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:

MCCONNELL: All of this crisis goes back to when the president was first sworn in.

And Arizona Congressman Juan Ciscomani, whose district borders Mexico, added …

 CISCOMANI: This president signed dozens of executive orders that caused this border crisis. Since then, he refused to take any kind of responsibility or ownership over this crisis. Also since then, refused that he had any authority to actually solve or address this crisis.

Republicans say President Biden could have signed this order three-and-a-half years ago rather than five months before the election.

Wray testimony on threats » On Capitol Hill, members of a Senate panel asked FBI Christopher Wray about the border crisis. He said authorities have seen in recent years …

WRAY:  … an increase in the number of known or suspected terrorists, in other words, watch-listed subjects attempting to cross the border.

But he said the biggest threat remains China, which he added is “sparing no expense in its quest to hack, lie, cheat, and steal its way to the top as a global superpower.”

WRAY: If you took all of the FBI's cyber resources and said forget Russia, forget Iran, forget ransomware, just do nothing but China, the Chinese government's hacking program would dwarf ours 50 to 1.

Wray testified before the appropriations committee as he made his pitch for more FBI funding.

Attorney General Garland testifies before Judiciary Committee » Meantime, across the Capitol rotunda …

JORDAN: [GAVEL STRIKE] Committee will come to order. We welcome everyone to today’s hearing on oversight of the Department of Justice.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan gaveling in a hearing as Republicans prepared to grill Attorney General Merrick Garland over what they say is a double-standard in the justice system, especially when it comes to Donald Trump.

JORDAN: Justice is no longer blind in America. Today, it's driven by politics.

But Garland said accusations of bias “unprecedented” and “unfounded.”

GARLAND: These attacks have not — and they will not — influence our decision making.  I will not be intimidated, and the Justice Department will not be intimidated. 

He dismissed GOP accusations of a political agenda within his department as a right-wing conspiracy theory.

India election » India’s Prime Minister has claimed victory in the just-concluded election in his country. WORLD’s Kristen Flavin reports:

MODI: [Speaking Hindi]

KRISTEN FLAVIN: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing supporters Tuesday “will walk together towards the development of the country and in this third term, the country will write a new chapter of big decisions."

His National Democratic Alliance coalition lost seats but still claimed a majority in parliament.

He faced stronger than expected opposition against his mixed economic record and polarizing politics.

More than 640 million Indians cast their votes in a marathon 6-six week election.

For WORLD, I’m Kristen Flavin.

AUDIO: [Natalie Lloyd singing]

Missionaries funeral » A recording of slain missionary Natalie Lloyd singing “Jesus is the Answer” played for a crowd of friends and family members at her funeral yesterday.

Those loved ones gathered in a Missouri church to remember Natalie and her husband Davy after they were murdered by gangs in Haiti late last month.

Gunmen robbed and fatally shot the couple and the head of the mission after they left a church youth function in Port-au-Prince.

PASTOR: When you think about Davy and Natalie and Jude – they left their impact, praise God. No, death did not win. Love won, praise God.

Those at the funeral also heard a recording of one of Davy Lloyd’s sermons in which he talked about what it would be like to someday meet his Savior.

DAVY: We cannot understand, but when we get face-to-face one day with God – and I’m looking forward to that day – when we get fact-to-face with God, all of the questions, all the doubts, all the fears, all of that is gonna make sense then. And I’m looking forward to that day.

A family spokeswoman said the Lloyds would be buried at a private graveside ceremony.

I’m Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: Congress asks Dr. Fauci tough questions about COVID-19 on Washington Wednesday. Plus, World Tour.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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