Tuesday morning news: November 28, 2023 | WORLD
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Tuesday morning news: November 28, 2023


WORLD Radio - Tuesday morning news: November 28, 2023

News of the day, including Hamas agrees to release more hostages in exchange for two more days of cease-fire

A former Palestinian prisoner (center) is greeted by relatives after being released in exchange for Israeli hostages held by Hamas. Getty Images/Photo by John MacDougall/Contributor

Israel-Hamas cease-fire extended » More former Hamas hostages are home with their families today. Israel confirmed that the terror group released 11 more captives on Monday.

That brings the number of Israelis freed under a temporary truce to 50, along with 19 hostages of other nationalities.

But the son of one of those freed captives says Hamas returned his mother in critical condition.

SON OF CAPTIVE: My mother left home when she was in a good condition, and she was well. Right now, she’s struggling for her life.

Israel has also released well over 100 Palestinian prisoners.

The government of Qatar, which has been handling negotiations, announced yesterday that the two sides agreed to extend the four-day cease-fire by another two days.

Israel has said it would extend the truce an extra day for every 10 additional hostages released.

Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman said his country’s military pressure inflicted pain on Hamas.

HYMAN: So they were begging us to stop. And that’s how we got these hostages out, and we will continue that pressure. We will do the humanitarian pause for as long as we think it makes sense to get as many hostages out as we can.

And then he says Israeli Defense Forces will finish the job and eradicate Hamas.

Houthi attacks » Iran-backed Houthi rebels fired two missiles at a U.S. warship this week in waters near Yemen.

The U.S.S. Mason tracked two ballistic missiles fired toward the destroyer, both splashing down in the Gulf of Aden.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby:

KIRBY: We have responded forcefully against the threats to our forces in Iraq and Syria - and now our forces in the Gulf region, the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden. We’ll continue to do that as appropriate.

Iran-backed groups have ramped up attacks on U.S. troops in the region since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

Ukraine » While conflict in the Middle East has grabbed the headlines since last month … Secretary of State Tony Blinken is turning his attention to Ukraine.

He’s at NATO headquarters in Brussels today … to huddle with other top diplomats from allied nations. And the war in Ukraine will top the agenda.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that while Ukrainian forces haven't made much progress recently in reclaiming territory from the Russians.

STOLTENBERG: The Ukrainians have been able to inflict heavy losses on the Russian invaders, both measured in personnel and casualties, but also in taking out fighting capabilities.

In Brussels, the alliance will reaffirm its support for Ukraine’s defense.

The two-day session starting today will include the first foreign minister-level meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council.

Allied leaders created the council at their last summit to help prepare Kyiv to eventually join NATO, though that’s highly unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Korean Tensions » There will be more guards and razor wire along the border dividing North and South Korea. WORLD’s Kristen Flavin has more.

KRISTEN FLAVIN: The North is reopening military guard posts along the border, and the South has restarted aerial surveillance in the area.

Tensions continue to mount between the two Koreas after Pyongyang launched a spy satellite into orbit.

That launch violated a UN Security Council resolution and the terms of a 2018 military agreement between the North and South. That pact was aimed at soothing tensions on the peninsula.

North Korea’s state news agency said Monday that leader Kim Jong Un has received photos its new spy satellite has taken of the White House.

For WORLD, I’m Kristen Flavin.

Vermont shooting » In Vermont, police are holding a suspected shooter without bail.

Authorities say 48-year-old Jason Eaton shot the three college students of Palestinian descent on Saturday while they were walking in Burlington.

All three were hospitalized in intensive care.

Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George:

GEORGE: Although we do not yet have evidence to support a hate crime enhancement, I do want to be clear that there is no question this was a hateful act.

Federal authorities are eying possible hate crime charges.

The suspect is pleading not-guilty to attempted murder charges from the state.

Rosalynn Carter Memorial » The Carter Center is honoring the life of former first lady Rosalynn Carter this week with services and public tributes.

She died last week at the age of 96.

SOUND: [Song from service]

Her remains lay in repose at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta on Tuesday.

Carter Center CEO Paige Alexander told guests at a ceremony that Carter fought alongside her husband to wage peace and build hope.

Alexander: Mrs. Carter was a force multiplier. President Carter described her as the perfect extension of myself.

Emory University’s chapel will host a tribute service today in Atlanta. A private funeral is planned for tomorrow in Carters’ hometown of Plains, Georgia.

I'm Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: the policy hazards of Israel’s hostage deal with Hamas. Plus, raising refugee kids in the American midwest.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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