Thursday morning news: October 17, 2024 | WORLD
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Thursday morning news: October 17, 2024


WORLD Radio - Thursday morning news: October 17, 2024

News of the day, including presidential candidates field questions on television interviews, Israel strikes Lebanon, and Italy expands surrogacy ban

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a Univision town hall on Wednesday in Doral, Fla. Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon

Harris Fox News interview » It was fireworks from the start as Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris joined Fox News’ Bret Baier for an interview.

Baier began by asking if the vice president regretted the Biden Administration overturning President Trump’s “remain in Mexico” immigration policy.

HARRIS: The first bill, practically within hours of taking the oath, was a bill to fix our immigration system. BAIER: Yes, ma’am, it was called the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. HARRIS: Exactly. BAIER: It was essentially a pathway to citizenship… HARRIS: May I please finish? May I finish responding please? But you have to let me finish, please. BAIER: You had the White House, and the House, and the Senate and they didn’t bring up that bill… HARRIS: I’m in the middle of responding to the point you’re raising… BAIER: Okay. HARRIS: And I’d like to finish. BAIER: Yes, ma’am.

That was the first of several testy exchanges on Baier’s “Special Report” broadcast, which is popular with conservatives.

Harris often pivoted to attacking her Republican opponent Donald Trump, accusing him of blocking a bill to beef up border security this year.

HARRIS: It would be nine months that we would’ve had more border agents at the border, more support for the folks who are working around the clock trying to hold it all together… BAIER: Madame Vice President… HARRIS: … to ensure that no future harm would occur.

Harris also indicated she no longer supports measures that would effectively decriminalize illegal immigration as she did in 2019. And she insisted, without providing specifics, that her presidency would not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency.

Trump Univision, Fox News town halls » Trump, meantime, participated in two televised town halls Wednesday.

The first was before a Fox News all-female audience in Georgia, and the former president launched right into his case for not letting Democrats keep the Oval Office.

TRUMP: Our schools don’t teach, our cities aren’t safe. Illegal aliens are pouring in by the millions and millions and millions. And we’re teetering on the brink of World War III. Other than that, I think we’re doing quite well (crowd laughs).

Later, during a town hall with Univision, Trump refused to back off his controversial claim that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating neighbors’ pets. Local officials and state leaders from both parties have refuted that claim. Trump says he’s only saying what was reported.

SOUND: [Backhoe clears rubble]

Israeli airstrikes kill 27 in Lebanon » A backhoe clears away rubble in Lebanon, where Israeli airstrikes have killed at least 27 people over a 24-hour period.

Israel’s military says it was targeting a Hezbollah commander with several strikes on the town of Qana, where 15 people were killed.

In other parts of the country, Israel says it was working to take out Hezbollah command centers and weapons facilities embedded in civilian areas.

Hezbollah has pledged to keep launching attacks on Israel from the Lebanese border until there’s a cease-fire in Gaza. Israel’s military says those attacks wounded four civilians Wednesday.

Zelenskyy outlines victory plan » Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has unveiled a new “victory plan” for the war with Russia to Ukraine’s parliament.

AUDIO: [Zelenskyy’s address]

Zelenskyy’s plan seeks NATO membership, along with permission to use longer-range missiles against Russian targets. Both are moves Kyiv’s Western allies have resisted so far.

Zelesnkyy says his five-point plan could help end the war by next year. Up next, he’s presenting it to the European Council today.

Italy expands surrogacy ban » Italy has passed a new law aimed at protecting the dignity of women and children. It prohibits Italian citizens from going abroad to have children through surrogacy.

Parliament passed the measure by a vote of 84-to-58, but not before seven hours of heated debate.

MILAN: [Speaking in Italian]

Senator Lucio Milan, a supporter of the ban, says he doesn't mind if people think he's being ideological as long as he's defending the dignity of mothers and children. He says children have the right to know who their parents are and shouldn’t be treated like products on sale.

Senator Elisa Pirro disagreed....

PIRRO: [Speaking in Italian]

She accused the bill’s supporters of being against male homosexual couples and fathers.

Italy has had a surrogacy ban in place since 2004. This new law extends that ban to couples who want to travel to the U.S. or Canada where surrogacy is still legal.

I’m Mark Mellinger.

Straight ahead: religious expression and freedom of speech at risk in Australia. Plus, God’s faithfulness to a Christian school in Asheville, North Carolina after Hurricane Helene.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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