Thursday morning news: May 11, 2023 | WORLD
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Thursday morning news: May 11, 2023


WORLD Radio - Thursday morning news: May 11, 2023

Massive surge in migrants crossing the border expected after Title 42 ends today; Donald Trump does a CNN town hall event; George Santos pleads not guilty to 13 charges brought against him by federal investigators; Biden slams the House Republican bill to raise the debt ceiling and slim down spending increases; consumer price inflation rose in April; Egypt seeks to broker a cease fire between Israel and Palestinian forces in the Gaza Strip

U.S. Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., speaks to the media outside the federal courthouse in Central Islip, N.Y., Wednesday May 10, 2023. AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

Title 42 » Officials have warned the floodgates will open even wider at the southern border today as the pandemic-era Title 42 immigration rule comes to an end.

Texas National Guard Brigadier Gen. Matt Barker:

MATT BARKER: I can tell you that the state of Texas deployed more than 500 additional soldiers to help with the effort here.

Title 42 allowed the government to more easily expel those who cross the border without permission. The Biden administration sued to end the rule, and after multiple court-ordered delays, the day has finally come.

Some 1,500 active duty troops will support the Border patrol in administrative roles for the time being.

Trump town hall, NY reaction » President Trump went on offense at a town hall event on CNN last night. He tooke President biden to task over the border crisis.

He also shot back at his accuser in a civil sexual assault trial.

DONALD TRUMP: This woman, I don’t know her. I never met her. I have no idea who she is. And I swear on my children, which I’d never do, I have no idea who this woman — this is a fake story. She’s a wack job.

A New York jury rejected writer E. Jean Carroll’s claims that trump raped her in the 1990s. But it ruled that he likely assaulted her and later defamed her and awarded Carroll $5 million dollars. Trump is appealing the ruling.

And he took aim at an investigation in Georgia over his call to state officials following the 2020 election.

TRUMP: I said you owe me votes because the election as rigged. That election was rigged.

Trump insisted he did nothing wrong.

George Santos » GOP Congressman George Santos has pleaded not guilty to thirteen federal criminal charges.

GEORGE SANTOS: I’m going to fight the witch hunt, I’m going to take care of clearing my name and I look forward to doing that.

The Justice Department yesterday charged Santos with fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and making false statements to Congress.

Republicans and Democrats have called for the freshman New York lawmaker to resign after he admitted to lying about his background during his campaign for Congress.

Santos was arraigned in a Long Island court yesterday, then released on bond. His next hearing is scheduled for June 30.

He could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

Debt » President Biden, in a campaign-style speech Wednesday, blasted House Republicans over their recently passed debt ceiling bill. He said the GOP is “holding the economy hostage.”

JOE BIDEN: By threatening to default on our nation’s debt that we’ve already incurred unless we give into their threats and demands with regard to what they think we should be doing with the budget.

He said GOP lawmakers are demanding “devastating” spending cuts.

But Republicans say the Biden White House has spent recklessly, fueling inflation. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise:

STEVE SCALISE: If he doesn’t agree with our bill, he needs to put his own alternative on the table about how to solve Washington’s spending problem as we’re dealing with the debt ceiling.

The House bill would raise the debt limit while also reducing overspending. But even the GOP plan would continue to pile onto the national debt, just at a slower rate.

Inflation numbers » Consumer prices rose again in April and at a faster rate.

The Labor Department says prices rose 4/10 of one percent from March to April. They rose only one-tenth of a percent the previous month.

Thomas Barkin is president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

He said some prices edged down, such travel costs.

THOMAS BARKIN: But I think just looking through all that, it still paints a picture of inflation that is stubbornly high.

Consumer prices last month were up almost 5 percent compared to a year ago.

Gaza–Israel » Palestinian funeral goers firing guns into the skies above the West Bank on Wednesday. At least 21 Palestinians are dead after violence in the Gaza Strip.

Egypt claimed yesterday that it had successfully brokered a cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians, but rocket fire and air strikes continued late last night.

Israeli military spokesman Richard Hecht:

RICHARD HECHT: We’re not looking for war. We are focused on our targets and we’ll do everything we need to protect our civilians.

Palestinian militants launched hundreds of missiles into Israel, while Israeli forces have continued to carry out airstrikes.

One strike on Tuesday killed 13 people, including three senior militants of the Islamic Jihad terror group.

I’m Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: How Christians are helping at the border. Plus, a new program for doing medicine the old way.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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