Ryan Bomberger: The new transgender patriarchy | WORLD
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Ryan Bomberger: The new transgender patriarchy


WORLD Radio - Ryan Bomberger: The new transgender patriarchy

New craziness is part of an old pattern for liberal Democrats

Alba Rueda, of Argentina, receives the International Women of Courage Award from Secretary of State Antony Blinken with first lady Jill Biden, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, in Washington, to commemorate International Women's Day, Wednesday, March 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

NICK EICHER, HOST: Today is Wednesday, March 15th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Nick Eicher.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard. Up next: WORLD Commentator Ryan Bomberger on the new transgender patriarchy.

RYAN BOMBERGER, COMMENTATOR: The world’s not going crazy. The world has always been crazy. We’re just now in an era where ridiculous ideas are justified, codified, and amplified. A Supreme Court Justice can’t define what the word “she” means.

Medical Associations think men can chest feed. And a First Lady (guess that term will be obsolete soon) ran out of women to honor with the International Women of Courage Award. So, she gave it to a man.

Jill Biden said in that award ceremony, “Girls everywhere need to know that there are women fighting for them and winning.” Which women? Not many liberal ones. And sadly, not enough conservative or independent ones either. Where are the feminists when girls are being displaced in high school sports? Where are the feminists when women are being disgraced in raunchy drag shows? Where are the feminists when women are being erased in medical terminology?

LGBT activism has shifted its aims from cultural “tolerance” to political dominance. When feminists like J. K. Rowling do resist, their efforts are often condemned. Women’s rights, like Title IX, apparently paved the way for “transgender” activists to steamroll right over them.

And what happens when men step up and challenge the LGBT ideology that threatens their daughters? One dad in Vermont–Travis Allen–got suspended without pay from his job for daring to say male students should not be in the showers and locker rooms of female students.

For over a century, feminists have decried American patriarchy. One website defines patriarchy as the “general structure in which men have power over women.” That’s exactly what’s happening in our society today. Men beating women in swimming, track, weightlifting, multiple scholarships and awards is the very definition of having power. When men enter and rule women’s spaces, that’s LGBT Patriarchy.

We see it at work in colleges and universities like Smith College, a leading feminist all-women’s school. As early as 2015, that college decided to admit men who “identify” as women. In explaining their policy change and denial of science, a spokesperson claimed: “In the years since Smith’s founding, concepts of female identity have evolved.” But “female” is not a concept. It’s biological fact.

The Church of Corporate America is also preaching the religion of transgenderism. Hershey’s, a company that has tragically gone woke, recently launched a Women’s History Month campaign called #HerSHE, spelled with the letters S-H-E at the end. In this demeaning campaign, the once-family-friendly corporation features a man – Fae Johnstone -- who twirls and identifies as “trans”. Funny. I don’t recall Hershey’s featuring white people in blackface during Black History Month to celebrate “inclusivity.”

Jill Biden fell in line with LGBT Patriarchy by giving a male the “Woman of Courage” award last week. Which means, the same Democratic Party that denied Black people their personhood is now the Party that denies females their womanhood.

The crazy continues.

I’m Ryan Bomberger.

REICHARD: If you're interested in this and have kids or grandkids, you might want to check out Ryan's new book, SHE IS SHE. In the book, Ryan and his wife Bethany seek to counter gender radicalism.

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