Podcast preview: Double Take | WORLD
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Podcast preview: Double Take


WORLD Radio - Podcast preview: Double Take

Les Sillars introduces a new podcast that tells surprising stories


MARY REICHARD, HOST: Today is Tuesday, July 26th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Mary Reichard.

NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher.

Well, your generous support is bearing fruit, and one proof of that is a brand new podcast with WORLD Senior Correspondent Les Sillars. The same man who last September brought you The Freedom Show—a special two part series on Free North Korea Radio. Les is back with an exciting new project—this time with a handful of his journalism students from Patrick Henry College.

REICHARD: To tell us a bit more, here’s Les!


REICHARD: So, what’s Doubletake about? And how is it different from our other podcasts at WORLD?

SILLARS: We have several storytelling podcasts at WORLD. They usually have a theme that holds all the episodes together, like the show you do with Jenny Rough, Legal Docket. Or they follow a single storyline, like Lawless with Lynn Vincent. Doubletake is all stand-alone stories, and you never know what's coming from week to week. I want people to look forward every Friday to being surprised with a story that turns out to be really, really interesting, and with a biblical perspective.

REICHARD: So, can you give us a hint about what these will be about?

SILLARS: Sure. We profile a doctor who was involved in involuntary organ harvesting in China; a clean comedian; a Christian teacher in a public school district that's going weird; and a nurse whose courage changed the pro-life movement forever. I'm working on one about UFOs. I know. It sounds strange, but it's going to be awesome. :)

REICHARD: You’re not doing all these on your own?

SILLARS: This is a team effort, as anything good always is. I pulled together my best journalism seniors from Patrick Henry College as correspondents, and of course we got a lot of help from Paul Butler and others on the World team.

REICHARD: We have a clip from one of your episodes. Can you set it up for us?

SILLARS: This is from an episode called "A well-founded fear." It's about Jason and Ranya Bailey, a Canadian doctor and his wife who just moved to Pennsylvania.

EXCERPT: [A well-founded fear]

REICHARD: Thanks, Les! It sounds great!

SILLARS: Thanks for having me on!

REICHARD: Doubletake drops on Friday. Be sure to check it out.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Today is Tuesday, July 26th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Mary Reichard.

NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher.

Well, your generous support is bearing fruit, and one proof of that is a brand new podcast with WORLD Senior Correspondent Les Sillars. The same man who last September brought you The Freedom Show—a special two part series on Free North Korea Radio. Les is back with an exciting new project—this time with a handful of his journalism students from Patrick Henry College.

REICHARD: To tell us a bit more, here’s Les!


REICHARD: So, what’s Doubletake about? And how is it different from our other podcasts at WORLD?

SILLARS: We have several storytelling podcasts at WORLD. They usually have a theme that holds all the episodes together, like the show you do with Jenny Rough, Legal Docket. Or they follow a single storyline, like Lawless with Lynn Vincent. Doubletake is all stand-alone stories, and you never know what's coming from week to week. I want people to look forward every Friday to being surprised with a story that turns out to be really, really interesting, and with a biblical perspective.

REICHARD: So, can you give us a hint about what these will be about?

SILLARS: Sure. We profile a doctor who was involved in involuntary organ harvesting in China; a clean comedian; a Christian teacher in a public school district that's going weird; and a nurse whose courage changed the pro-life movement forever. I'm working on one about UFOs. I know. It sounds strange, but it's going to be awesome. :)

REICHARD: You’re not doing all these on your own?

SILLARS: This is a team effort, as anything good always is. I pulled together my best journalism seniors from Patrick Henry College as correspondents, and of course we got a lot of help from Paul Butler and others on the World team.

REICHARD: We have a clip from one of your episodes. Can you set it up for us?

SILLARS: This is from an episode called "A well-founded fear." It's about Jason and Ranya Bailey, a Canadian doctor and his wife who just moved to Pennsylvania.

EXCERPT: [A well-founded fear]

REICHARD: Thanks, Les! It sounds great!

SILLARS: Thanks for having me on!

REICHARD: Doubletake drops on Friday. Be sure to check it out.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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