Monday morning news: June 3, 2024 | WORLD
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Monday morning news: June 3, 2024


WORLD Radio - Monday morning news: June 3, 2024

News of the day, including Israeli leaders consider a cease-fire proposal from the United States and New York City residents support an Israel Day parade

People march on Fifth avenue in the Israel Day Parade on Sunday in New York City. Getty Images/Photo by John Lamparski/AFP

Israel-Gaza » Israeli leaders are considering a plan that could lead to a ceasefire in Gaza.

Israel's security cabinet huddled last night to discuss a cease-fire deal pitched by the White House. The plan would move forward in three phases.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said in phase one:

KIRBY: You get some hostages coming out, initial hostages. You get some calm, you get some more humanitarian assistance, maybe up to 600 trucks. And then the two sides can start talking about phase two.

The next stage would see all remaining hostages released for a permanent ceasefire, followed by a final stage that would see bodies returned in exchange for a large Gaza reconstruction project.

The Israeli reaction to the proposal has reportedly been mixed. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government have not fully embraced the plan, especially the phase-two call for a permanent ceasefire.

Hamas reacted, saying that they view the White House plan as a positive thing.

SOUND: [NYC parade]

Israel Day NYC » Meantime, in Manhattan on Sunday …

SOUND: [NYC parade]

The NYPD police band performing in a parade in support of Israel. Thousands turned out for the Israel Day parade along Fifth Avenue under tight security. Marchers chanted for the release of Israeli hostages.

And New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said she stands with them.

HOCHUL:  These families have suffered every single night, wondering the fate of their loved ones. It is cruel. It is inhumane. And we stand together, united as a state, that says, let these families be in peace. Let them be with their loved ones.

It was the first large-scale Jewish event in the city since the start of the war in Gaza. New York Senator, and of course Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer told attendees:

SCHUMER:  Let me say one more thing. Who has caused this evil? Who has taken Hamas? Who has taken them? It's Hamas. Let us say that Hamas is evil and we will defeat Hamas.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just accepted an invitation from Schumer and other leaders in Washington to address a joint session of Congress soon.

Ukraine accuses China » Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused China of helping Russia to disrupt a Swiss-organized peace conference on the war in Ukraine.

ZELENSKYY:  We are disappointed that some world leaders have not yet confirmed their participation in the peace summit. Unfortunately, there are also attempts to disrupt the summit.

Zelenskyy made the remarks after speaking at an annual Asia-Pacific security conference. He’s hoping to persuade Asian countries to attend the peace conference. Russia is not taking part in the talks and Vladimir Putin has mocked the planned talks.

Border executive actions »  Air Force One will take off tomorrow for Normandy as President Biden prepares to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

But before he departs, he will reportedly announce new executive actions for the southern border. No word yet on what those will be.

But House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday:

JOHNSON: It's too little too late. Now he's trying to desperately show the American people somehow that he wants to address the issue that he himself created.

Biden and Democrats have been working to shift public perception of who’s to blame for the border crisis, blasting Republicans for not accepting a Senate Border bill. Democrats charge that by not adopting it, Republicans have proven they’re not serious about fixing the problem.

Polls show that border security is a top issue on the minds of voters this year, and that most trust Donald Trump and Republicans more on that issue.

Trump appeal » And speaking of Donald Trump, the fallout continues over last week’s guilty verdict in his criminal fraud trial in New York. Trump attorney Will Scharf:

SCHARF:  I think this case is replete with reversible error. We plan to vigorously defend President Trump's rights in the appellate courts all the way up to the U. S. Supreme Court if necessary.

 Trump's lawyers have already floated some of the possible grounds on which they will appeal Trump's conviction. Those include their perception of Judge Juan Marchand's bias. The judge made 35 donations to Democratic causes during the 2020 election cycle, and his daughter has worked for a Democratic consulting firm.

For his part, the former president says he remains confident that he’ll ultimately be cleared of wrongdoing.

TRUMP:  Everyone tells me this is the easiest case they've ever seen to overturn.

Trump verdict reaction » Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill House Speaker Mike Johnson says leaders in the Republican-led House have asked the man who pursued the charges against Trump, Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg to appear at a hearing.

JOHNSON:  And the purpose of the hearing is to investigate what these prosecutors are doing at the state and federal level to go, to use politics, you know, political retribution in the court system to go after political opponents of federal officials like Donald Trump.

That Judiciary Committee hearing is scheduled for June 13th.

But the top Democrat in the chamber says it’s a waste of time. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said 12 Americans weighed the facts before them.

JEFFRIES: And came to a unanimous decision as it relates to convicting Donald Trump on 34 felony counts.

Democrats say the verdict showed no one is above the law.

I’m Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: Supreme Court arguments on this week’s Legal Docket. Plus, the Monday Moneybeat.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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