Monday morning news: July 3, 2023 | WORLD
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Monday morning news: July 3, 2023


WORLD Radio - Monday morning news: July 3, 2023

News of the day, including ongoing protests in France and massive decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court

People ride bicycles past destroyed items on the aftermath of protests outside of Paris, July 1. Associated Press Photo/Christophe Ena

France riots » The grandmother of a French teenager killed by police is pleading for rioters to end their protests.

Violence and unrest have consumed parts of the country for almost a week.

Police have detained roughly 3,000 people since the start of the riots.

NUNEZ: [Mayor attack]

Paris Police Chief Laurent Nunez on France’s BFM-TV discussing an attack on a suburban mayor’s residence early Sunday morning.

Rioters rammed a burning car into the mayor’s home at 1:30 a.m. injuring his wife and one of his children.

NUNEZ: [Police presence]

Nunez explaining that police will keep increased numbers of officers on the streets for the coming days even as protests have eased somewhat.

Supreme Court wrap-up » The U.S. Supreme court wrapped up its term last week with a rapid fire of opinions in hotly contested cases.

Democrats are regrouping after the court ruled Friday that President Joe Biden does not have the authority to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in federal student loans.

Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna:

RO KHANNA: I know the president has said he isn’t going to refer students to the credit agency. I also believe under the higher education act he can stop interest accrual.

Meanwhile, college administrators are adjusting their admission procedures in response to another Supreme Court decision last week that limits the use of affirmative action.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll over the weekend showed 52 percent of Americans agreed with the decision.

And on Friday, the justices ruled that creative professionals cannot be forced to design messages with which they disagree. WORLD’s legal team has more that later in today’s program.

Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley summed up the court’s accomplishments this term:

NIKKI HALEY: I think at the end of the day what the Supreme Court showed is regardless of where you were born and raised, what color you are, what gender you are, you are gonna be ablet o have individual freedom, and that’s a win for the United States of America, it’s a win for people, and I think we should celebrate it.

All of those rulings came down by a vote of 6-to-3, with the court’s six conservative justices in the majority.

Big Trump rally in S.C. » Meanwhile, the president who appointed three of those conservative justices is campaigning for reelection holding his well-known, massive rallies.

Former President Donald Trump spoke to about 50-thousand supporters who gathered in the small town of Pickens, South Carolina, over the weekend.

He decried the federal case against him over alleged mishandling of classified documents.

TRUMP: The Espionage Act has been used to go after traitors and spies. It has nothing to do with a former president legally keeping documents. As a president, the law that applies to this case is not the Espionage Act, this vicious, never used before. Never. It's only been used to me over boxes.

The rally demonstrated the level of support Trump has in the home state of two of his opponents for the Republican nomination, Senator Tim Scott and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

Musk Twitter limits » Twitter owner Elon Musk says he is setting limits on how many tweets users can view each day. WORLD’s Josh Schumacher has more.

JOSH SCHUMACHER: Musk says the new daily limit is an attempt to prevent data pillaging from the platform.

Twitter has also said it will require users to log on before they can view tweets, a change to its longtime practice of allowing anyone who visits the site to view its content.

New, unverified users can access 500 posts per day. Veteran unverified users can see up to 1,000, and subscribers to Twitter’s Blue service can view as many as 10,000 tweets.

For WORLD, I’m Josh Schumacher.

Ukraine latest - drone strikes on Kyiv » Ukraine says its missile defense system repelled a drone and missile bombardment on the Kyiv region over the weekend. It was Russia’s first such strike on the area in almost two weeks.

Also this weekend, Russian shelling killed three people and wounded seventeen more in southern and eastern parts of Ukraine.

ZELENSKYY: [Sanctions]

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announcing a new package of sanctions on Saturday against hundreds of individuals and entities he says are assisting Russia in its war efforts.

Baltimore shooting » In Baltimore, two people are dead and twenty-eight more are wounded after gunfire erupted at a block party in the Brooklyn Homes area over the weekend.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott:

BRANDON SCOTT: We need accountability at every level, from those who are selling and trafficking those weapons into Baltimore from places outside of our state to companies who manufacture guns in a way that skirt gun laws in our country. And we also need community responsibility as well.

Some of those wounded were in critical condition. More than a dozen of the victims were younger than 18.

Authorities have not yet identified any suspects… or announced any arrests.

Gas prices » Gas prices monitor AAA says the nationwide average for a gallon of regular unleaded is down slightly at $3.53 cents. Last week’s number was $3.57 cents.

Washington State leads the nation with the highest statewide average at $4.98 cents per gallon. Prices in Mississippi are the lowest at $2.96 cents.

I'm Kristen Flavin.

Straight ahead: What the Supreme Court did and didn’t do in its 303 Creative case ruling. Plus, the Monday Moneybeat.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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