Monday morning news: February 5, 2024 | WORLD
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Monday morning news: February 5, 2024


WORLD Radio - Monday morning news: February 5, 2024

News of the day, including the U.S. military strikes Iran-backed groups in Iraq and Syria

SOUND: [Fighter jets]

U.S. response to Iran-backed militias » Flames from the back of American fighter jets lit up the night atop an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. That as U.S. and British airstrikes hit 36 Houthi targets in Yemen over the weekend.

And National security adviser Jake Sullivan says the United States is not finished striking Iran-backed militias in the region.

SULLIVAN: We intend to take additional strikes, and additional action to continue to send a clear message that the United States will respond when our forces are attacked, or people are killed.

That from NBC’s Meet the Press.

The weekend strikes followed an air assault on Friday that saw allied forces hit dozens of Iran-backed militia targets in Iraq and Syria in retaliation for drone strikes that killed three U.S. soldiers last week.

When asked if the United States has any plans to strike Iran directly, Sullivan responded:

SULLIVAN: I'm not going to get into what we've ruled in and ruled out from the point of view of military action. What I will say is that the President is determined to respond forcefully to attacks on our people.

But the United States has separately said it does not seek war with Iran.

Iran warned the U.S. on Sunday about potentially targeting two cargo ships suspected of serving as forward operating bases for Iranian commandos.

Israel warning to Hezbollah » Meantime, Israel is warning another Iran-backed terrorist group, Hezbollah. Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari heard here through an interpreter:

HAGARI (translator): We will continue to act wherever Hezbollah is present We will continue to act wherever it is required in the Middle East.

Israel said it will remain “ready to attack immediately” if provoked. Hagari said, “We do not choose war as our first priority, but we are certainly prepared.”

California weather » In California, fallen trees are sprawled on cars, houses, and power lines as the so-called pineapple express roars through the state. The series of atmospheric rivers has pummeled California with torrential rain and damaging winds.

Dalton Behringer with the National Weather Service:

BEHRINGER: The main flooding that you'll likely see some of the bigger impacts from is going to be south of us in Ventura County, down towards Santa Barbara that area. We will still be dealing with elevated streams and rivers though as many of our coastal ranges are forecast to get up to four to five inches of rain.

The second of the two atmospheric rivers over the past week began slamming the state on Saturday.

Chile forest fires » Meanwhile, 5,000 miles to the south Chile has been grappling with the opposite problem. Hot, dry weather has helped to fuel devastating forest fires.

BORIC: National day of mourning.

Chilean President Gabriel Boric has decreed a two-day national mourning period.

BORIC: [Speaking Spanish] 64 dead

The death toll from the infernos already stood at 64, and Boric said that number is going to rise significantly.

The wildfires ignited on Friday destroying thousands of homes and forcing thousands more to evacuate the coastal region.

Haley on SNL, campaigning » As far as Donald Trump and President Biden are concerned, the primary phase of the election is over. But former ambassador Nikki Haley says it’s anything but.

And over the weekend, she took a swipe at the former president during an appearance on Saturday Night Live.

HALEY: Are you doing okay, Donald? You might need a mental competency test.

She also criticized him for refusing to debate her.

HALEY: What is he afraid of? Is it that he’s afraid I know too much about his record?

But for his part, Trump on Sunday touted his record.

TRUMP: We defeated ISIS. I knocked out the biggest terrorists in the world. We had the best economy ever. I cut taxes.

Haley continues to campaign heavily in her home state of South Carolina, where she hopes to chip away at Trump’s early delegate lead.

The Chosen in theaters » Jesus is back on the big screen nationwide.

THE CHOSEN TRAILER: My ledgers are in the red. I told you to make life difficult for the followers of Jesus!

The first 3 episodes of the latest season of The Chosen premiered in theaters over the weekend.

Jonathan Roumie is the actor who portrays Jesus in the hit series.

ROUMIE: There’s something compelling, something so compelling about who He was, what He said, how he changed the world, how He lived his life in sacrifice to humanity that is undeniable. He is undeniable. And I think that’s what’s attracted so many people from all over.

Episodes 4 through 6 will hit the silver screen on the 15th.

I'm Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: Bankruptcy and deportation on this week’s Legal Docket. Plus, the Monday Moneybeat.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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