Monday morning news: April 29, 2024 | WORLD
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Monday morning news: April 29, 2024


WORLD Radio - Monday morning news: April 29, 2024

News of the day, including Israel awaits a response from Hamas to a cease-fire proposal and families in Nebraska and Oklahoma suffer loss from deadly tornadoes

White House national security communications adviser John Kirby Associated Press/Photo by Jacquelyn Martin

Cease-fire offer/Biden-Netanyahu conversation » President Biden spoke on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu again over the weekend as Israel awaits a response from Hamas to a new cease-fire proposal.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the terror group has not fully rejected the offer.

KIRBY:  They are considering this proposal on the table. If we can get that in place, then that gives you six weeks of peace. And that includes no fighting in Rafah. And what we're hoping is that after six weeks of a temporary ceasefire, we can maybe get something more enduring in place.

Kirby also said on Sunday that the U.S. military is getting closer to completing a pier in southern Gaza to help bring in humanitarian aid supplies.

SOUND: [Protest]

Campus protests » On college campuses across the country, pro-Palestinian demonstrations continue, which in some cases have included anti-Semitic rhetoric or destructive behavior.

And some students are now demanding amnesty from any consequences tied to breaking campus rules or laws during the protests.

Republican Congressman Pat Fallon said schools—in his words—“should act with strength.”

FALLON:  If you're repeatedly ignoring directives for lawful directives from your university, you should be removed. And if you're a student, you should be expelled. And that would stop these protests—these illegal protests—very quickly.

But Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine says he believes schools have to try to strike a balance. He said most protests are peaceful and orderly, but …

KAINE: There are those who speak in hate speech or anti-Semitism, and so giving people the latitude to do what they ought to be able to do and, and, and also trying to curb unacceptable behavior is tough.

Hundreds of students around the country have been arrested, suspended, or in rare cases, expelled for their actions.

Tornadoes » In the wake of weekend tornadoes that ripped through Nebraska and Oklahoma some families are now coping with the loss of their homes, like this Omaha resident …

RESIDENT:  This was our forever home and we've moved twice in the last two years and we were supposed to be done. And we came home and there was no home to really come to.

And others are mourning the loss of loved ones.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt addressed reporters in the rural town of Sulphur.

STITT: We’ve had four confirmed fatalities. One was here. Just right here on the corner. They just removed her body; two in Ada, and one in Marietta.

The twisters devastated Sulphur. In downtown, piles of rubble now rest where buildings once stood, and roofs were sheared off houses over several blocks.

Overall, state authorities reported about a hundred injuries.

ZELSENSKYY: [Speaking Ukrainian]

Ukraine latest » Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is making a renewed plea to Western allies to rush more air defenses to his country.

ZELSENSKYY: [Speaking Ukrainian]

He said in recent conversations with leaders in Washington, he “underscored that Patriot [missile] systems are needed, and as soon as possible”

That comes as Russia renews its attacks on Ukraine’s power grid, targeting infrastructure with dozens of missiles early Sunday morning .

White House Correspondent’s dinner » A tuxedo-clad President Biden looked to score a few political points by dialing up laughs at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington over the weekend he trotted out a few jokes he’s been testing lately on the campaign trail.

BIDEN: The 2024 election is in full swing. And yes, age is an issue. I’m a grown man running against a 6 year old.

Biden also mocked Trump’s past remarks about the overturning of the Roe v Wade decision at the Supreme Court.

BIDEN: Trump bragged how proud he was of getting rid of Roe v Wade. He took credit for it. He described the Dobbs decision as a miracle. Maybe it’s coming from that Bible he’s trying to sell.

He added—his words—“I almost wanted to buy one just to see what is in it.”

Trump Vice President » But the incumbent has a little catching up to do in the race.

An average of recent national polls show Trump leading Biden by 1 point. But much more importantly, he’s leading in every major battleground state.

Meantime, speculation continues over who Trump might pick as a running mate this time around. One of the names in the rumor mill is Ohio Sen. JD Vance. But he said on Sunday …

VANCE: I talk to President Trump a lot. We’re very close. I’ve never spoken to him about being vice president. So I assume that a lot of this is media speculation. Of course if he asked me, I’d have to think seriously about it, because I think it’s really important that he win.

Trump previously confirmed that South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem are on his list of potential VP candidates.

I’m Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: Presidential immunity at the Supreme Court on Legal Docket. Plus, the Monday Moneybeat.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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