Sheila (left) and Hope Fuhrmann Photo by Kim Henderson

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Today is Tuesday, March 4th.
Thank you for turning to WORLD Radio to help start your day.
Good morning. I’m Mary Reichard.
LINDSAY MAST, HOST: And I’m Lindsay Mast.
Coming next on The World and Everything in It: Homesteading. It’s a way of life that focuses on self-sufficiency and sustainable living. The modern homesteading movement has grown by leaps and bounds since the pandemic began.
REICHARD: The term may seem contradictory—modern homesteading. Here’s WORLD Senior Writer Kim Henderson.
SOUND: [Sound of gravel driveway]
KIM HENDERSON: Jack and Kim Fuhrmann have a homestead in Gretna, Virginia. It’s called Our Father’s Farm. The Fuhrmanns were missionaries before they bought these 60-acres.
JACK: On the mission field 7 years in Africa, serving among Arab Muslims there, was a tremendous challenge . . .
Difficult times in Africa drove Jack, a seminary graduate, to a deeper study of the Bible.
JACK: To see what His Word really says about family, and the functioning of the family . . .
At the same time, he was immersed in an agrarian society, one that stuck to the old ways of farming. Jack began to admire some of their methods. He says God was teaching him that He has a design for every animal he created.
JACK: . . . see beautiful fruit result from you know, stewarding the animals in that way, or the land. Or we can think that we as men have come up with a better factory production method of producing food.
The Fuhrmanns came back to the United States in 2006 to care for their aging parents. By then they were reading and researching and praying about farming.
JACK: I started to see this model of, kind of homesteading or kind of just, you know, providing healthy foods raised God's way to people directly. And that you could actually maybe make a living off of that.
The term homesteading is a pretty broad one. The state with the most self-proclaimed homesteaders is Montana. It’s followed by North Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. But the Fuhrmanns bought land in Virginia. Today, their farm produces pasture-raised poultry, grass-fed beef, and Thanksgiving turkeys. Oh, and lots of milk.
HOPE: This is where we milk the cows.
That’s Hope Fuhrmann. She’s 23—one of the 9 Fuhrmann children.
HOPE: So we bring four in here, wash them off, prep them, hook them up, and then we bring four in here, wash them off, while these are being milked, and then we swap.
She’s giving a tour of a hundred-year-old tobacco barn on their property. It has low ceilings typical of that period, and it's where she milked 33 cows this morning. Even with the machines they use, it took 2 hours.
In Virginia, it’s illegal to sell raw milk. So homesteaders who want to profit from milk do it through herd share programs.
HOPE: You sign a contractual agreement to buy into our herd share program. And you pay for that, and then you pay boarding fees, which is to pay for us taking care of your cow. And then, you know, in return, you get milk every week.
The farm property also includes a small storefront with freezers and refrigerators.
SOUND: [Fridge opening]
Hope walks over to open a refrigerator full of items available to herdshare owners.
HOPE: Yogurt, whole milk, yogurt and skim milk yogurt . . .
Just outside, a customer, or rather a “herd share owner,” has driven up.
The farm property also includes a small storefront with freezers and refrigerators.
SOUND: [Fridge opening]
Hope walks over to open a refrigerator full of items available to herdshare owners.
HOPE: Yogurt, whole milk, yogurt and skim milk yogurt . . .
Just outside, a customer, or rather a “herd share owner,” has driven up.
WOMAN: And so last week's went with them…
Ashley Lumpkins is a busy mom, but she’s come 45 miles for her raw milk because she missed her regular pickup in the town of Danville. The Fuhrmanns deliver their products as far away as Roanoke.
WOMAN: Once you get the raw dairy quality, you don't really want to buy anything from the store again . . .
The Fuhrmanns’ farm is thriving now, but Jack’s wife, Kim, says people should be careful not to romanticize homesteading. Their family’s experience includes a big learning curve.
One tough experience involved their flock of Thanksgiving turkeys. They had 150 poults, or baby turkeys, ready to move to the field. A storm blew through, stressing the poults. They all died.
KIM: Once you grow them to full maturity and you sell them all, that is your entire winter paycheck on the farm, that's how you buy the shoes. That's how you buy the groceries. That's how you pay the electric bill…
God saw the Fuhrmanns through that winter, and other hard times since then.
Homesteading is hard. The reasons for failure can include starting without a plan or a budget. Not seeking mentors. Taking on too many projects.
But God saw the Fuhrmanns through that winter, and other hard times since then. But Hope and her older sister, Sheila, say growing up on the farm was priceless.
[KH: Did you kind of like escape out here in the afternoons when you were done with school?]
SISTERS: We would go for walks a lot, we'd explore.
AUDIO: [Sound of chickens]
HOPE: So this is our egg mobile. It’s what we call it . . .
Mom Kim remembers when her son, barely 2 years old, came into their house with eggs in both hands.
KIM: He goes, “Working hard. What would you do without me?” We were like, we don't know. We would be up the creek. We need you so bad. We are so glad that you're here.” So it's like little farm kids never really have to wonder why am I here? And do I have a purpose?
Hope and Sheila seem pretty sure of their purpose. Sheila can name a lot of ways farm work builds character.
SISTERS: There's physical labor, you're having to work with other people, other people who, you know, rubbed you the wrong way, often, you are working with nature, you're working with lives, animals’ lives that depend on you. So I think the biggest thing, they just want us to be the kind of people that God can use wherever he places us.
Homesteading isn’t for everyone, but it's hard to deny its growing popularity. Jack Fuhrmann was a commercial pilot before he was a missionary. It was a big leap of faith to become a homesteader.
JACK: I don't necessarily advise it for everyone. But it's what the Lord had for us and I’m very, very grateful, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Reporting for WORLD, I’m Kim Henderson in Gretna, Virginia.
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