Listening In preview: Doug McKelvey | WORLD
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Listening In preview: Doug McKelvey


WORLD Radio - Listening In preview: Doug McKelvey

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Next up on The World and Everything in It: mundane faithfulness.

Martin Luther coined that phrase to describe living every moment of our lives before the face of God.

Today, Douglas McKelvey does that through his collection of prayers. No topic is off-limits: snowfall, grief, feasting.

JILL NELSON, HOST: On this week’s Listening In, host Warren Smith talks to McKelvey about doing every activity—even the laundry—to the glory of God.

Here’s an excerpt.

WARREN SMITH: Was that part of what you were going for here or not to try to recall believers back to these ideas of, of discipline and, and being in tune with the seasons of the day and seasons of the year?

DOUGLAS MCKELVEY: I didn’t set out with an agenda or a mission to call anyone back to anything, but I did recognize that there’s something here that has deep roots in church history and that we have mostly lost the benefit of and that there might be a good thing to remind people that, hey, this is a part of our history together as a church. And I think the two strains that I was most aware of as I was writing this are the early Celtic Christians and how they created these beautiful little prayers for everything, for milking the cows, for putting out the fire at night in the hearth. There was something that just resonated with me about the idea of moving through your day with such an immediate moment-to-moment awareness of God’s involvement, of God’s intentionality in those day-to-day things. That they aren’t just mundane.

(Photo/Rabbit Room Store)

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