Listener feedback | WORLD
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Listener feedback


WORLD Radio - Listener feedback

NICK EICHER, HOST: Today is Friday, the 28th of September. This is The World and Everything in It from member-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Nick Eicher.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard. It’s time now for more of your listener feedback. And joining us now to help with that is WORLD Radio managing editor J.C. Derrick. Good morning, J.C.!

J.C. DERRICK, MANAGING EDITOR: Good morning! I’ve had some travel recently, so I missed doing the last couple of feedback segments with you. Glad to be back.

EICHER: Yes, and to be back for some good news: We just have one small correction to make today.

Two weeks ago I referred to Louis Zamperini as a famous World War II pilot who was shot down over the Pacific. But, of course, he was actually a bombardier. Thanks to listener Mary Hanson for bringing that to our attention. But that’s our only correction.

REICHARD: Glad to hear it! We do try to watch our Ps and Qs, as they say.  

DERRICK: Yes, we do. I have now something of an admonishment from a listener. Marcus Leman. He wrote us about Mary Coleman’s commentary on the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel.

He said he found her comments helpful and insightful. But also incomplete given the scope of the statement and the robust debate about it.

Well, two comments about that: First, we allocate about three minutes for commentary, so it would be impossible to address all of the issues related to this statement. Mary just addressed one sliver of it.

And second, and really to your point: We are working on a report that will give more of the context of the statement. It’s sparked a lot of discussion in evangelical circles.

But in hindsight, I shouldn’t have assumed everyone would have heard about it. We should have scheduled that report to come before Mary’s commentary. So be listening for Sarah Schweinsberg’s report on the statement next week.

EICHER: We also need to apologize to listener Molly Davies. But I’ll start by thanking her for taking our listener survey. But in connection to that, she sent us note saying she feels terrible. She said she didn’t “like that question about rating the program segments from favorite to least favorite. That’s so unfair,”she said. She loves all “the segments and really felt terrible ranking some near the bottom.”

Ms. Davies closed by asking us to tell everyone it’s all wonderful, she loves it all, she never misses the program. She’s grateful for the hard work. And, I love this, her last words: “I pray for you!”

REICHARD: Aww, thank you Molly! We appreciate your prayers. We need your prayers. And that’s not the only note we’ve received along those lines. Another listener was concerned that the lower-scored segments might disappear from the program.

DERRICK: Well, as Nick noted on the program earlier this week—it’s just fine to skip that question! It is helpful, though, to know who likes what segments the best, but we don’t assume that means people dislike the ones at the bottom.

EICHER: Now let’s go to our listener feedback line at 202-709-9595. Our first caller has a travel tip for everyone who enjoyed this week’s History Book segment on the founder of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.

AUDIO: Hi, this is Nancy Hall from Evanston, Illinois. Thanks very much for your wonderful story on Frances Willard. Your listeners might be interested to know that the home she lived in is still standing here in Evanston. It’s a museum now. It was a home that her father built in I believe 1865. So she lived here when she was an adult and it became the headquarters for the wctu. And so if people are planning to visit Chicago, they might want to pop up just due north of Chicago to Evanston and see that home. Thank you very much.

REICHARD: Our next caller left a message for Megan Basham after her review of last week’s Emmy Awards show.

AUDIO: My name is Michaela and I listen in Hickory, North Carolina. I just wanted to thank you, Megan, for your coverage and comments of the 2018 Emmys. I wasn’t able to watch the Emmy Awards this year. I actually usually enjoy watching the awards shows. I thought you just made some really sensible comments, and I loved the research and how you were very fair to the Emmys and also sort of bringing Fox News into, I don’t know, accountability, I guess. I just wanted to say that I really appreciated it. And I think you’re doing a great job, and I love listening to you. So keep it up! Thanks.

DERRICK: We will! Thanks for that encouragement, Michaela. We appreciate all the feedback we receive from our listeners, by phone, email, and through social media. You encourage us. You admonish us. You occasionally correct us. But we know many of you also pray for us, and we can’t thank you enough for that.

AUDIO: Hi, this is Dan Beatty from Huntsville, Alabama. I just wanted to pass on my condolences to Carl Peetz in the loss of his mother and just praying for him and his family. Love the work you do, bye-bye.

EICHER: That’s really great. Thanks, Dan, for continuing to lift up Carl and all of us on the WORLD Radio team.

MARY: We’ll end today’s program with an email from listener Jeff Gossner. He wrote to tell us how helpful he found Warren Smith’s recent Listening In  conversation with Russell Moore about family.

Now,  family happened to be on Mr. Gossner’s mind in a special way because his oldest son was about to get married. Russell Moore’s comments on love and marriage helped the father of the groom craft his wedding toast.

Having been a recent father of the bride, I feel like I can read this retelling of what he told the happy couple:

Remember that love is about service, submission, and humility. Jesus said He came not to be served but to serve. He is the real need-meeter. You each are called to a life of servitude in a deeper way this day. Keep your eyes fixed on the cross….

REICHARD: What a great reminder for all of us who are married!

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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