Kicker: Unusual aquarium | WORLD
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Kicker: Unusual aquarium


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Unusual aquarium

Neighbors in Brooklyn, N.Y., turn a puddle into a goldfish habitat

Goldfish with red and white comet fish in a pond mtreasure/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: City dwellers often yearn for a little nature in their lives.

A neighborhood in Brooklyn has come together around a makeshift goldfish pond due to a leaky fire hydrant.

Audio from PIX 11 News:

AUDIO: We don’t have an aquarium, so it's good as we're going to get.

A few locals put goldfish into the puddle around the hydrant. It’s the talk of the town, bringing the community together to care for the fish.

AUDIO: They look beautiful and I didn't know that they was right there. I thought they was inside the hydrant.

But leaky hydrants don’t suit their purpose, and the city wants to fix it. So, now there’s a movement to create a permanent home in the neighborhood for the fish.

AUDIO: I love it. I’m pro the fish.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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