Kicker: “Too fat to fly” | WORLD
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Kicker: “Too fat to fly”


WORLD Radio - Kicker: “Too fat to fly”

A bald eagle gets into trouble after a hearty meal

A bald eagle Axel Goehns/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

PAUL BUTLER, HOST: Springfield, Missouri is the site of the first major civil war battle west of the Mississippi, fought more than 160 years ago.

But this week, a battle of a different sort: A bald eagle found injured along the edge of Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield. Conservation officials spent hours capturing it and then diagnosing the problem via X-ray.

Turns out, the symbol of the nation wasn’t injured at all. It had merely feasted on too much raccoon!

As the conservation department put it, “too fat to fly.”

As all aviators know, every flight has its weight limit!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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