Kicker: Time traveler | WORLD
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Kicker: Time traveler


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Time traveler

Teddy Roosevelt’s pocket watch returns to his home’s museum nearly 40 years after it was stolen

Theodore Roosevelt's pocket watch that was stolen in 1987 while on display in Buffalo, NY. Associated Press/Photo by Jason Wickersty/National Park Service

LINDSAY MAST, HOST: They say you can’t find lost time again… but a lost watch? Well, sometimes.

A silver pocket watch of President Teddy Roosevelt has returned to New York’s Sagamore Hill National Historic Site… 37 years after it disappeared!

Roosevelt’s family gave it to him before he left for Cuba during the Spanish-American war.

The FBI says someone stole the engraved watch while it was on loan back in 1987.

Audio here from Roosevelt’s great-grandson, courtesy of WABC.

AUDIO: When you think of what that watch went through, it was given to him before he went through the San Juan hill…so there it was so all the way through his adventures down the Brazilian rivers, in Africa… but what’s really interesting is what it heard in the White House.

The watch was scheduled for private sale before an auction house owner pulled it. It’s now back on display at Sagamore Hill.

MARY RECHARD, HOST: It wound its way back home.

MAST: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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