Kicker: Strange statue | WORLD
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Kicker: Strange statue


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Strange statue

A new bronze statue of Queen Elizabeth II strikes locals as unrecognizable

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, June 26, 2012 Associated Press/Photo by Peter Morrison

MARY REICHARD, HOST: There’s no accounting for taste, they say.

Well, that point’s made in Northern Ireland last week, where local leaders unveiled a new statue of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

The piece joined statues put up last summer of her husband, the late Prince Phillip, and two of their corgis. Members of the town council gushed how it “captures Her Majesty in a dignified pose, reflecting her grace…” and suits its castle garden surroundings.

But local naysayers differ. “Looks more like Mrs. Doubtfire than our late Queen,” wrote one on social media. Another wrote: the “outfit they dressed her in looks like something a Chinese terracotta warrior would wear.”

And this zinger: “Oh, a lovely bronze statue of a complete stranger.”

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: I guess the whole affair is tarnished now.

REICHARD: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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