Kicker: Space concert | WORLD
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Kicker: Space concert


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Space concert

An astronaut aboard the Space X Dragon Spacecraft gives a violin concert

An image from a video shows SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis emerging from the capsule, Thursday Sept. 12 Associated Press/SpaceX

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Space may indeed be the final frontier, and last week another “first” happened on a spaceflight operated by SpaceX:

GILLIS: Welcome aboard the Dragon Spacecraft. I’m Sarah Gillis, one of the Polaris Dawn crew members.

Gillis isn’t “just” a SpaceX engineer and astronaut. She’s also an accomplished violinist!

GILLIS: Here is “Reye’s Theme” by John Williams, brought to you from the stars.

Then Gillis, hair floating overhead, began to play the Star Wars tune…


Her solo was later mixed with performances of youth orchestras around the world to create a video, a beautiful effort to raise money for a children’s hospital.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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