Kicker: Soccer in the sky | WORLD
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Kicker: Soccer in the sky


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Soccer in the sky

A new Guinness World Record has been set at 20,230 feet


MARY REICHARD, HOST: A new Guinness World Record’s been set!

This time, an international team of soccer players did it. And it had nothing to do with the score or the length of the match, it’s the height of it! At 20,230 feet to be precise.

Mastercard organized the whole thing with a plane outfitted with an artificial turf soccer field. Not regulation size, but they made do.

The plane flew a parabolic path to simulate zero gravity. The team played the entire match with their feet only occasionally touching the turf, thereby setting the record for the highest altitude game of soccer on a parabolic flight.

BROWN: It’s safe to say they took their game to new heights!

REICHARD: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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