Kicker: Second-hand artifact | WORLD
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Kicker: Second-hand artifact


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Second-hand artifact

A woman discovers her thrift store vase is a 2,000-year-old Mayan relic from Mexico

Mayan artifacts at Miraflores Museum in Guatemala City Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons/Photo by Simon Burchell

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Maybe you love a bargain at thrift stores. A woman perusing the shelves in D.C. really hit the jackpot.

Anna Lee Dozier paid $3.99 for a vase with a Mexican motif that she thought was a knock-off.

But on a trip to Mexico she saw vases that looked just like that one back home. So she asked the curator of the Museum of Anthropology about it.

Sure enough, turns out Dozier’s thrift store find is a genuine ceremonial vase of the Mayan Empire nearly 2,000 years old!

She opted to repatriate the vase as the right thing to do. And she had other motivation:

DOZIER: I'd also like it out of my house because I have three little boys and now I'm petrified that at any moment I could be the one after 2,000 years to finally wreck it.


REICHARD: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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