Kicker: Repurposing hair | WORLD
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Kicker: Repurposing hair


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Repurposing hair

An organization is using hair clippings to absorb pollutants


MARY REICHARD, HOST: Ever get a haircut and wonder what happens to all that hair that lands on the floor?

Well, hairdressers in Belgium sweep up the clipped hair and bag it up. Then they hand it over to the Hair Recycle Project. That’s an N-G-O that puts the hair into a machine that turns it all into matted hair squares. Those are then used to absorb pollutants, like oil or other hydrocarbons.

Get this, Myrna: One strand of hair can support up to 10 million times its own weight as it absorbs pollutants.

BROWN: Our Creator is creative!

REICHARD: Indeed He is!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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