Kicker - Penguins on the loose | WORLD
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Kicker - Penguins on the loose


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Penguins on the loose

MEGAN BASHAM, HOST: Well, not everyone is lamenting the coronavirus lock-down.

The closure of Shedd Aquarium in Chicago did give the penguins there a chance to spread their wings. Well, spread their flippers.

The exhibit floors of course are vacant, and so  aquarium staff decided to let a group of penguins out. Give them the run of the place. The waddle of the place.

And that’s exactly what they did. It’s funny to watch if you haven’t seen the video online: they’re waddling past the exhibits, looking around curiously just like any of the thousands of human guests typically do.

One video shows a rockhopper penguin by the name of Wellington, who was especially interested in the tropical fish display. But he seemed a little put out that he couldn’t get to them. 

What Wellington should’ve been instead was thankful! Because the glass that protected them protected him. After all, one of the species Wellington had his eyes on was the red-bellied piranha! 

Goes to show you, social distancing even applies to penguins.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/Shedd Aquarium)

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