Kicker: Out of control balloon | WORLD
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Kicker: Out of control balloon


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Out of control balloon

A man in China got trapped in a hot air balloon for two days


MARY REICHARD, HOST: So we’ve all seen a hot air balloon, but I hope you’ve not witnessed someone lose control of a hot air balloon—or go missing in one.

Well, it recently happened to a man in China harvesting pine nuts. Instead of climbing the trees, he used a hydrogen balloon. But the tether broke with him still in the balloon basket! His partner jumped off, leaving the man alone drifting for two whole days and for 200 miles!

A search party tracked the air balloon and called him on his cellphone with instructions on how to land.

Other than some back pain for standing up for two days, he’s doing alright. Praise the Lord!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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