Kicker: New Year’s birthday | WORLD
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Kicker: New Year’s birthday


WORLD Radio - Kicker: New Year’s birthday

Twins are born in New Jersey on different days in different years

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: The first baby in town born in the new year usually makes local news, but this year in New Jersey? A twist!

Billy and Eva Humphrey welcomed baby boy Ezra before the stroke of midnight on December 31st. And then:

EVA: I was still pushing when everyone’s doing the countdown and all said “Happy New Year!” in the middle of me trying to push out Baby B.

“Baby B” arrives minutes later. His name is Ezekiel. So the twins are born on different days and different years!

Mom Eva admitted to a more practical thought once baby number one arrived:

EVA: Once he was born, you know, thinking of the tax write off? I was like maybe we can get another tax write off!

That didn’t happen. But no matter:

EVA: Seeing them in person and seeing their faces I was like, they’re so cute! I’m so glad they’re healthy.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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