Kicker: Nacho typical accident | WORLD
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Kicker: Nacho typical accident


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Nacho typical accident

A truck carrying nacho cheese has an accident in Arkansas

MARY REICHARD, HOST: You’re driving down the highway when all of a sudden…you’re skidding on a massive slick of nacho cheese!

Yep, it happened last week on I-30… 100 miles southwest of Little Rock. On Taco Tuesday, no less!

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: I’ll bet it was the taco of the town!

REICHARD: (Nick, is that you?!) A truck filled with cans of cheese veered off the road, spilling goo all over the place.

BROWN: Nacho lucky day!

REICHARD: Transportation Department folks got out the Bobcat tractors to scoop it all up.

BROWN: No one can claim it because it’s nacho cheese!

REICHARD: I think Little Rock TV personality Cassandra Webb landed it with this: "Nacho ordinary highway spill. Certainly not the best queso scenario. Thankfully, it's all clear, and it's nacho problem anymore."

BROWN: Just needed a truck of chips to go along with the cheese!

REICHARD: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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