Kicker: Meteoric home invasion | WORLD
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Kicker: Meteoric home invasion


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Meteoric home invasion

A space rock breaks through the roof of a New Jersey family’s home

MARY REICHARD, HOST: The annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower peaked last week, but you can still catch it through the end of the month. The light show occurs as *Halley Comet debris strikes the Earth’s atmosphere. Skywatchers hope for clear weather for the best view.

One New Jersey family had a much better view than most, perhaps too good. Audio here from KYW-TV in Philadelphia.

SUSIE COBB: It appears that whatever fell through the sky came through the roof.

Susie Cobb’s father lives in Hopewell Township, New Jersey. She checked in on him earlier this week and found a hole in his bedroom ceiling.

COBB: It hit the floor here. It ricocheted up to this part of the ceiling and then finally coming down and resting on the floor there.

Cobb picked up the four by six inch rock and it was still warm. At first she didn’t know what it was. Local officials looked into it and think it’s is a meteorite!

COBB: They did scan us. Everything came back clear. I just thank God that my father was not here. No one was here. You know, we weren't hurt or anything.

Stargazing enthusiasts have been stopping by to see the meteorite. Maybe Susie Cobb should put up a sign for those in queu to see it? Not to worry. “All things comet to those who wait.”

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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