Kicker: Love knows no bounds | WORLD
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Kicker: Love knows no bounds


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Love knows no bounds

A 100-year-old veteran of D-Day walks the aisle with his 96-year-old love in France

Jeanne Swerlin, right, and US WWII veteran Harold Terens in front of a piper band in Normandy, France on Saturday Getty Images/Photo by Loic Venance/AFP

MARY REICHARD, HOST: File this under “It’s never too late for love!”

Listen to these two lovebirds this past Saturday in Normandy, France. Each of them widowed, both from New York City:

HAROLD TERENS: I love this girl. This woman! She is one of the most magnificent women I've ever known in my entire life.

That’s Harold Terens, part of the Allied forces that staged the invasion of Normandy in 1944. The French honored him as part of the 80th anniversary of D-Day…and he chose to pledge his love to Jeanne Swerlin there.

Although the union isn’t legally binding yet because the two aren’t French citizens…still…he’s lived a full 100 years, and it’s not over yet!

Here’s Jeanne who’s 96:

JEANNE SWERLIN: Being in love is not just for the young. We get butterflies, just like everybody else. And he's just so amazing guy. He's smart and he's, he has a sense of humor, which I love, and it's just nice to be with.

LINDSAY MAST, HOST: I like her criteria!

TERENS: I think it’s the most exciting time of my life. Right now!

REICHARD: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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