Kicker: Lobster tank, anyone? | WORLD
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Kicker: Lobster tank, anyone?


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Lobster tank, anyone?

Red Lobster auctions restaurant equipment after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

A sign in front of a Red Lobster restaurant in San Bruno, Ca. Getty Images/Photo by Justin Sullivan

LINDSAY MAST, HOST: If you’re in the market for a lobster tank you may have just missed a really good deal. Earlier this month, some fans of the popular national restaurant chain Red Lobster were surprised to sea their local stores closed. Man on the street audio here from WISN.

CUSTOMER: I like their Cheddar Bay Biscuits.

So do I! But those hot biscuits may be harder to get these days.

That’s because the seafood chain has filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Its website lists dozens of closed locations, but it’s not the finale–for the fixtures, anyway. A restaurant liquidator auctioned off the contents of nearly 50 stores.

To win the auction, you had to buy everything inside an entire restaurant.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: For the right buyer, it was probably a real catch.

MAST: It’s The World and Everything in It

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