Kicker: Jiminy Cricket…ice cream? | WORLD
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Kicker: Jiminy Cricket…ice cream?


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Jiminy Cricket…ice cream?

A German ice cream company adds a springy flavor with insect ingredients

Thomas Micolino, owner of Eiscafe Rino, holds an ice cream cone in Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany, Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Marijan Murat/dpa via AP

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Well, kids in school used to see educational films about good health. Like this from Disney in 1956 called You and The Living Machine.

Eat right. Good advice from Jiminy Cricket, but I'm not sure what he’d think about this. One ice cream parlor in Germany serves up strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla ... and also offers cricket flavored ice cream.

BROWN: Ooh, I'm not having that.

This shop also offers unique flavors, like liver sausage and Gorgonzola cheese ice cream.

BROWN: Yeah, still not having it.

Yep! Here’s the backstory. The E. U. passed a regulation to allow the use of insects in food, so an enterprising sort added cricket flour to heavy cream and topped it off with dried crickets.

BROWN: Entrepreneurial. 

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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