Kicker: Guessing game | WORLD
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Kicker: Guessing game


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Guessing game

JILL NELSON, HOST: Want to win $500? Well, here’s how.

An annual tradition in Vermont means good guessers can clean up.

Each year, Newport Parks and Recreation holds its “Ice Out” contest. It challenges locals to guess how long it will take for the frozen Lake Memphremagog  to thaw.

This year, officials made a 6-foot tall wooden cutout shaped like a bottle. They painted it to look like vanilla extract. Then they stood it up on the ice covering the lake and called it “Vanilla Ice.”

Whoever accurately predicts when the bottle will drop into the water … wins half of the contest pool.

The rest of the proceeds benefit a playground project. The deadline to submit guesses is April 1st.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/Newport Dispatch)

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