Kicker - Free-range chicken | WORLD
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Kicker - Free-range chicken


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Free-range chicken

A block of frozen wings and thighs escapes its packaging in the Seattle airport

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MARY REICHARD, HOST: Travelers at SeaTac International Airport outside of Seattle couldn’t believe their eyes as they flocked to baggage claim.

The Transportation Security Administration posted a video on Instagram of the unusual item circling around.

A frozen block of raw chicken, nestled in between the bags and suitcases.

In a rare show of humor, the TSA noted that at one time these wings and thighs were cooped up in a cooler but somewhere between baggage and the carousel, they became free range!

The post came with a reminder not to just wing your packing for travel. To keep from ruffling any feathers, TSA said, “meat should be properly packaged’ with ice or dry ice.” Good to know.

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