Kicker: Drunk birds | WORLD
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Kicker: Drunk birds


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Drunk birds

JILL NELSON, HOST: Birds in Gilbert, Minnesota have been acting oddly of  late, flying into cars and windows. Almost like they’re drunk.

The reason: They actually are!  

An early frost caused the fruit the birds eat to ferment.

National Parks Service ranger Sharon Stiteler said the sugar in those fruits can turn into alcohol as they lose moisture. She told KMSP-TV…

AUDIO: Drunk birds are totally a thing. I’ve had to give sober rides to Cedar Waxwings from the uptown area.

A few years ago Stiteler found an intoxicated bird. She made a small detox box for it to sleep off its stupor.

AUDIO: I took it home and it threw up and felt better. I gave it some carbs and some water and it did the flight of shame home.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/National Geographic)

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