Kicker: Classic toys | WORLD
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Kicker: Classic toys


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Classic toys

MEGAN BASHAM, HOST: The National Toy Hall of Fame is considering several new honorees. Maybe you remember a few of these from your childhood?

MATCHBOX: Our cars need no gas, never get a flat, and are guaranteed for 10,000 pushes.

That’s part of a classic commercial for Matchbox Cars. 

Also on the list—the Care Bears, My Little Pony, and He-Man.

MATCHBOX: By the power of Grayskull…

The Nerf Blaster and the Fisher-Price Corn Popper are also up for honors, as well as a couple of games: Jenga and the boardgame Risk. 

Even the smartphone is under consideration. After all, it’s a huge platform for mobile games. 

So I’m curious, Mary: What toy would make your personal Hall of Fame?

REICHARD: Incredible Edibles, plasticgoop you cooked into bug shapes and ate. Probably not the healthiest. But fun!

BASHAM: It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/Creative Commons)

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