Kicker: Chocolate river | WORLD
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Kicker: Chocolate river


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Chocolate river

MARY REICHARD, HOST: A street in a western German town got a Willy Wonka-worthy repaving this week. A ton of chocolate flowed out of a factory turning the street into a chocolate river.

A technical defect involving a storage tank caused the sweet spill from the DreiMeister chocolate factory.

After hitting the chilly pavement, the milk chocolate quickly hardened. About 25 firefighters got the job of prying the coating off with shovels and using hot water and torches to remove remaining bits from cracks and holes.

Company boss Markus Luckey said the factory would be back in action in just days.

Luckey said if the spill had happened closer to Christmas, “that would have been a catastrophe.”

Fellow chocolate lovers, weep for the loss!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/Feuerwehr Werl via Reuters)

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