Kicker: Bragging rights | WORLD
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Kicker: Bragging rights


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Bragging rights

France reclaims the world record for longest baguette

Freshly baked baguettes inside a bakery in Paris, France Getty Images/Photo by Chesnot

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: When you think of baguettes, you probably think of France. But since 2019, it’s been Italy holding the world record for the longest baguette.

So last weekend in France, a group of bakers set on taking back the record wheeled a custom oven into a giant tent and got to work. Starting at 3 AM, they mixed and kneaded, then guided the giant loaf through the oven and onto a massive table.

They had to maintain traditional French baguette standards: 2 inches thick, made only from wheat flour, yeast, salt and water, baked in one continuous piece-that’s the hard part.

And when final measurements were taken.

AUDIO: I can confirm that this attempt has been successful. [Cheers]

So successful. The 461 feet loaf was more than 25 feet longer than the previous record!

LINDSAY MAST, HOST: And… another record bites the crust.

BROWN: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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