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Kicker - Art gallery mischief


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Art gallery mischief

Security guard at a Russian gallery defaces a Soviet-era painting

Courtesy of State Tretyakov Gallery

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: You remember that old saying, “idle hands make for mischief?” Well, that may apply to this story out of a Russian art gallery.

Back in December, a security guard seemingly got a bit bored standing around the artwork in the Boris Yeltsin Center, including the 1930s Soviet-era painting by Anna Leporskaya.

The painting is of three torsos and heads with hair but without facial features. It’s titled “Three Figures.”

He says children asked him to fill in some missing parts. So he picked up an ink pen and drew in some eyeballs.

Visitors alerted staff.

The guard has since been fired and he admitted to not understanding the reality of the situation, thinking it was a child’s drawing.

The good news is the million-dollar painting is being restored and will soon be back on display. Once again without the eyeballs.

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