Kicker - A tumbleweed storm | WORLD
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Kicker - A tumbleweed storm


WORLD Radio - Kicker - A tumbleweed storm

MEGAN BASHAM, HOST: People driving in remote Washington state last week got caught in an unusual storm. It quickly engulfed the area outside Richland. Visibility was zilch. And before long, many cars were buried—until rescuers came along in snow plows. 

A Department of Transportation employee recorded this video as workers shoveled their way to a stranded vehicle.

AUDIO: We have confirmed no one is in this car, but we are trying to access the license plate to get a hold of the owner this morning.

But here’s the thing: the road was completely dry and the snow plows weren’t plowing snow! Windy conditions created a tumbleweed storm. 

Brush piled up to 30 feet high.  It took authorities 10 hours to reopen the road. 

Some drivers with a sense of humor took to social media using the hashtag “tumblegeddon.”

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Trooper Chris Thorson/Washington State Patrol viaAP) In this image taken Tuesday evening, Dec. 31, 2019, and provided by the Washington State Patrol, Washington State Department of Transportation using snow plows to remove a pile of tumbleweeds along State Route 240 near Richland, Wash. 

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