Kicker - A sharp rendition of the national anthem | WORLD
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Kicker - A sharp rendition of the national anthem


WORLD Radio - Kicker - A sharp rendition of the national anthem

Woman surprises ballpark audience by playing a saw with her violin bow

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PAUL BUTLER, HOST: Most Americans have at some point stood with their ball caps over their heart while listening to the national anthem performed at a baseball game.

Usually, someone is singing the The Star-Spangled Banner. On occasion, they might perform it on an electric guitar or even a violin. But this has to be a first.

At an Oakland A’s game this week, musician Caroline McCaskey sat behind home plate with a violin bow but she did not have a violin.

Her instrument? A saw.

Dads in attendance said afterward that the performance was certainly a cut above most acts. And now most everyone can say they saw something they’d never seen before!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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