Kicker: A possum in a pear tree | WORLD
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Kicker: A possum in a pear tree


WORLD Radio - Kicker: A possum in a pear tree

A Texas woman is startled to find an opossum hanging out in her decorated Christmas tree

stanley45/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

MARY REICHARD, HOST: A woman in Texas got an early surprise for Christmas. She returned from work and heard noises coming from the direction of her Christmas tree. Sound from her TikTok video:

WOMAN: I’m literally freaking out right now. I have no idea how this possum got in my house and up into my tree.

You heard that right. A possum peering out at her from behind the sparkly lights and ornaments with its “long rat tail” sticking out the back.

WOMAN: And I’m trying to get him out but it will not let me and I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know how it got in here. I don’t leave my doors open. Somebody help.

But there wasn’t anybody to help. So she put on rubber gloves and pulled him off the tree then lost her grip! The critter took off running under the furniture until she grabbed him and released him outdoors.

This lady is an animal lover and said she might have kept it “if it didn’t smell so horrid.”

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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