Kicker: A mountain of regret | WORLD
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Kicker: A mountain of regret


WORLD Radio - Kicker: A mountain of regret

An Irish hiker needs rescuing after falling off a cliff

Mount Rinjani in Lombok, Indonesia Associated Press/Photo by Mutaharin

MARY REICHARD, HOST: An Irishman tried to climb up Mount Rinjani in Indonesia earlier this month. I say try, because Paul Farrel slipped and tumbled 650 feet down a volcano.

Now Myrna, that’s about the height of Trump Tower in New York City!

Get this: despite spotty reception, his phone worked well enough to call for help. Farrel had just about given up hope when a rescue team found him, winching him out using a pulley:

RESCUERS: (counting in foreign language)

Farrel suffered cuts and bruises but nothing too serious. And he vowed to stick close to his hotel the remainder of his trip.

FARREL: Aaah, thank you brother, thank you.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: PSA here: don’t hike alone!

REICHARD: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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