Kicker: A friendly intruder | WORLD
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Kicker: A friendly intruder


WORLD Radio - Kicker: A friendly intruder

MEGAN BASHAM, HOST: An Australian man learned the hard way about why you shouldn’t leave your car doors open.

Tim Withrow stepped away from his car for just a moment. He left the doors open so his dog could get out and roam around.

But when Withrow returned to his car, his trusty black lab was in the backseat enjoying the air conditioned cool. He wasn’t alone, though — a koala bear was hanging out right there with him!

And the friendly marsupial did not want to leave.

AUDIO: Come on, hop out the car. I know it’s nice and cool in here with the air… no, no, no, don’t go up the front!

The intruder climbed into the front seat, and then onto the dashboard.

AUDIO: No, no, don’t climb up there! Mate!

Withrow succeeded in shooting the bear out of the car, who scurried up a nearby tree.

AUDIO: How many times has that ever happened to you?

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/USA Today)

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