Kicker: A daughter’s bucket list | WORLD
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Kicker: A daughter’s bucket list


WORLD Radio - Kicker: A daughter’s bucket list

After her daughter’s death, an Arkansas woman volunteers to be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army

MARY REICHARD, HOST: The familiar sound of a bell ringer for the Salvation Army. And for Marilyn Fritz, not something she’d ever thought of doing:

FRITZ: I have never rang before, so I would not have rang had it not been an item on my daughter's bucket list. It just never crossed my mind.

A bucket list that her daughter Megan didn’t have time to do. She died young of cancer treatment complications.

Marilyn came across her daughter’s bucket list while going through Megan’s personal belongings:

FRITZ: When I'm dying, I want to be able to say, I traveled the world, helped people, made a difference to those truly less fortunate. Lived and loved every moment, loved and was loved. Did what everyone else only dreams of.

A list full of ordinary and extraordinary things. Number 68? Be a bell ringer.

FRITZ: I decided 2023 was the year I can do this and I'd already shed enough tears and I thought I've got to get busy and put myself out there.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: A good challenge for each of us!

REICHARD: It’s The World and Everything in It.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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