Friday morning news: May 10, 2024 | WORLD
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Friday morning news: May 10, 2024


WORLD Radio - Friday morning news: May 10, 2024

News of the day, including Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s response to President Biden’s refusal to provide weapons to Israel and the Biden administration’s plan to speed up the deportation of ineligible asylum-seekers

An Israeli military vehicle moves near the border with the Gaza Strip on May 2. Getty Images/Photo by Amir Levy


Netanyahu: Go it alone » Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says “If we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. If we need to, we will fight with our fingernails.”

He made that statement Thursday in response to the Biden Administration’s refusal to provide weapons for a ground offensive against Hamas in the town of Rafah.

White House National Security spokesman John Kirby warns…

KIRBY: Any kind of major Rafah ground operation, would actually strengthen Hamas’s hand at the negotiating table, not Israel’s.

The White House opposes a ground invasion because of the potential for mass civilian casualties in the heavily-populated area.

But Israel and its supporters say it has to invade Rafah to wipe out Hamas’ last remaining stronghold.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton:

COTTON: Hamas wins if it survives in Rafah, and Joe Biden has threatened to withhold weapons from Israel for fighting in Rafah. Therefore, Joe Biden objectively favors a Hamas victory over Israel.

Israel’s top military spokesman yesterday downplayed the practical impact of any weapons hold-up, saying Israeli forces have what they need.

Biden asylum changes » After months of intense political pressure, the Biden Administration announced Thursday that it’s pushing to deport ineligible asylum seekers  faster.

Under a proposed change, immigration officials would determine a migrant’s eligibility for asylum during initial screenings.

Right now, that happens later, in the interview stage, meaning it can take months or years to identify or remove illegal border-crossers who are public safety risks.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says any action at the border is welcome.

MCCONNELL: I'm not an adviser to the president, but if I were, I'd say you ought to do something about this to the maximum extent of your ability.

But this isn’t the major immigration policy overhaul lawmakers in both parties say the country needs.

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy:

MURPHY: The border is still a top issue to Americans, whether you live on the border or in the northeast or in the mountain west, and so we are committed to fixing this problem.

The proposed rule change still has to go through a 30-day public comment period before it can take effect.

Jose Ibarra indicted » The Venezuelan immigrant charged with killing 22-year-old Laken Riley is facing nearly a dozen charges after a grand jury indictment. WORLD’s Paul Butler reports.

PAUL BUTLER: 26-year-old Jose Ibarra now faces 10 charges relating to Riley’s death, including murder and aggravated assault with the intent to rape.

Prosecutors also added a Peeping Tom charge along with evidence tampering and hindering a 911 call.

Ibarra has been the prime suspect in Riley’s murder soon after her body was found near the University of Georgia Athens campus in February.

The indictment also sheds light on Riley’s manner of death, alleging the illegal immigrant choked her and smashed her head in with a rock.

The murder sparked outrage among conservative politicians who have continually advocated for tighter border security under the Biden administration.

For WORLD, I’m Paul Butler.

Trump trial » For the second time this week, the judge in Donald Trump’s criminal trial has denied a request for a mistrial.

Trump’s legal team claimed parts of key witness Stormy Daniels’ testimony were potentially prejudicial, shouldn’t have been allowed, and differed from what she’s said in the past.

But Judge Juan Merchan says Trump’s lawyers had ample opportunities to object when she was on the stand and didn’t.

Afterward, the former president was outraged.

TRUMP: This judge, what he did and what his ruling was, is a disgrace. Everybody saw what happened today. He’s a corrupt judge and he’s totally conflicted.

Trump added the trial shouldn’t even be happening, and says he should be hitting the campaign trail instead.

Missouri governor kicks Planned Parenthood off Medicaid » Missouri’s governor has signed a law cutting off Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood. WORLD’s Travis Kircher has more.

TRAVIS KIRCHER: The law, signed by Republican Governor Mike Parson Thursday, blocks any state Medicaid funding from going to Planned Parenthood.

Missouri offers robust protections for the unborn… and Planned Parenthood has already stopped providing abortions in the state.

But supporters of the new law say it will prevent the organization from potentially using Medicaid funding it would have gotten from Missouri… to help support its abortion business in other states.

The law faces an uncertain future…as the state’s supreme court has ruled previous attempts to block Medicaid funding to be unconstitutional.

For WORLD, I’m Travis Kircher.

Louisiana says no to rape, incest exceptions » Lawmakers in Louisiana have rejected a bill that would have removed protections for babies conceived through rape or incest.

Earlier this week, a GOP controlled legislative committee heard emotional testimony from both sides of the issue.

One woman said she was raped when she was 17. She said if she didn’t have access to contraception…

SUMMERLAND: I would have had an abortion. I would have needed an abortion. And I would not have thought of it as potentially ending a life. I would have been saving one. I would have been saving my life.

But speaking on behalf of the unborn, one man told the committee he was conceived out of gang rape. And that he’s forever grateful to his mother for choosing life.

BERTRAND: I don’t think I’m a son of a rapist. I’m a son of a southern woman who said yes in the face of a tragedy, and a grievous injustice to her. I’m just here to share light with y’all guys that my life has value beyond the way I was conceived.

State lawmakers voted seven-to-four to keep the protections for the unborn in place.

I’m Mark Mellinger.

Straight ahead: Culture Friday with John Stonestreet. Plus, Word Play with George Grant.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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