Friday morning news: July 26, 2024 | WORLD
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Friday morning news: July 26, 2024


WORLD Radio - Friday morning news: July 26, 2024

News of the day, including House Republicans vote to rebuke Vice President Harris’ handling of border security and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu meets with President Biden

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn. Associated Press/Photo by J. Scott Applewhite

House Republicans rebuke Harris » The U.S. House of Representatives has slapped Vice President Kamala Harris’s wrist for her failed handling of the Southern Border Crisis as President Joe Biden’s Immigration Czar.

Republican representative Mark Green from Tennessee began the debate:

GREEN: She owns all of his failed border policies and the horrific consequences that have resulted from them. Americans know it, and I'm glad that this Congress will acknowledge it too.

Democratic representative Bennie Thompson from Mississippi strongly opposed the resolution—calling it “unserious and politically motivated.”

THOMPSON: It's sad that today we are wasting time on this pointless resolution, which is nothing more than a campaign press release rather than addressing real problems facing the American people.

In 2023, Joe Biden tasked the Vice President to oversee diplomatic efforts with the so-called “Northern Triangle” countries—El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Harris was to get at the root causes of migration so U.S. development could encourage Latin American residents to stay in their countries. Additionally, Harris was to convince those countries to strengthen the enforcement of their own borders. But the number of illegal crossings into this country surged and Harris took heat for her seeming unwillingness to visit the border.

Yesterday’s resolution passed 220 to 196. The vote mostly followed party lines—with six democrats joining all the republicans voting in favor of condemning the Vice President.

BIDEN: Welcome back Mr. Prime Minister, we've got a lot to talk about...

Netanyahu meets w/Biden, Harris » A historic visit to the White House yesterday by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the first visit by the prime minister during the Biden presidency.

Netanyahu took the opportunity to praise the outgoing president's decades of public service.

NETANYAHU: From a proud Jewish Zionist, to a proud Irish American Zionist, I want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the state of Israel.

The two leaders are said to have spoken privately about a cease-fire proposal between Israel and the terror group Hamas...a deal that, if agreed to, would bring the more than 100 Israeli hostages home.

White House National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby says that's something that should have happened a long time ago.

KIRBY: Today is the 293rd day. That these hostages have been held captive by Hamas. And you just have to assume that it's the most horrific of circumstances.

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is facing renewed criticism after she failed to attend Netanyahu's address to a joint session of Congress yesterday. She chose instead to speak at a sorority convention in Indianapolis.

GIMENEZ: She really disrespected him yesterday by not showing up.

That’s Florida GOP Congressman Carlos Gimenez speaking on Fox Business’s Bottom Line. Harris did meet privately with Netanyahu yesterday though. She told reporters that she told him she stands behind the state of Israel.

HARRIS: I will always ensure that Israel is able to defend itself including from Iran and Iran-backed militias such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

She went on to further denounce Hamas as well as the October 7th attacks.

Hostages found » Meanwhile in Tel Aviv…

NATS: [Singing at funeral]

Mourners gathered for the funeral of 19-year-old Sergeant Kiril Brodski, one of five Israeli hostages whose bodies were recovered in Gaza by the Israeli military.

MOTHER: [Speaking Hebrew]

Brodski's mother saying that 19 years is only a small amount of time for a mother to enjoy the life of her son. She went on to say that she would always love him.

The Israeli military says four of the five bodies recovered earlier this week were soldiers. The other was that of a kindergarten teacher. All five were believed to have been killed in the October 7th attacks.

SOUND: [Homeless cleaning up camps]

Newsome issues Executive Order » A homeless man pushes a cart piled high with luggage through the streets of San Diego. He and others like him are being forced to move...due to an executive order by California Governor Gavin Newsom yesterday.

In a video posted to social media Governor Newsom says that order empowers the state to remove homeless camps...after a recent Supreme Court decision upholding anti-camping laws.

NEWSOM: It's time to move with urgency at the local level to clean up these sites, to focus on public health and focus on public safety. There are no longer any excuses.

Last year California's homeless population was roughly 180-thousand people — the largest of any state.

Canadian Wildfire » A fast-moving wildfire in the Canadian Rockies has prompted 25,000 people to flee the popular tourist town of Jasper and its surrounding area. Officials report the fire has destroyed as much as half of the town’s structures.

Alberta premier Danielle Smith was moved to tears during a Thursday press conference:

DANIELLE SMITH: In the last day or so we have all seen on the news and social media the horrific pictures and videos coming out of Jasper. There is no denying that this is the worst nightmare for any community.

Neighboring Jasper National Park is considered a national treasure. Firefighters are trying to prevent the blaze from spreading into the nature preserve. Todd Lowen oversees Alberta Forestry and Parks:

TODD LOWEN: Alberta currently has over 170 active wildfires burning throughout the province, with more than 50 of these classified as out of control.

Officials are pleading with residents and visitors to follow all local advisories and restrictions. Forecasters are calling for strong winds today raising the danger of rapid spread.

Paris Olympics » The 2024 Summer Olympic Games Opening Ceremony starts in just a few hours…officially beginning the two week international sporting event. After months of waiting, many Paris businesses are glad the games are finally here…because business has been slow, really slow for the last two months.

Jean-Pierre Salson owns a clothing store in Paris:

JEAN-PIERRE SALSON: Since the beginning of June, it started to get slower. July is worse, because I…think they are avoiding France and Paris because they are afraid of the Olympics, so traffic or whatever.

Tourism in the city of light is down 30 to 40 percent from this time last year. Some have been avoiding the city over fears of crowds and traffic…others are trying to avoid police checkpoints, metal fences, and digital passes required to access many parts of the city.

Hema Satija is a frustrated American tourist:

HEMA SATIJA: I know it's Olympics, I understand security and all that, but I think they should plan for tourism along with the Olympics.

Paris officials are planning for as many as 15 million visitors over the next three weeks—with more than a million people expected to line the 6-kilometer parade route for today’s Opening Ceremony. Meaning business is about to pick up.

I’m Paul Butler.

Straight ahead: Cultural Christianity on Culture Friday with Katie McCoy. Plus, Listener Feedback for July.

This is The World and Everything in It.

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