Friday morning news: July 12th, 2024 | WORLD
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Friday morning news: July 12th, 2024


WORLD Radio - Friday morning news: July 12th, 2024

News of the day, including President Biden’s press conference following the NATO summit and the House vote on Merrick Garland’s contempt of Congress

President Joe Biden speaks at a news conference on Thursday. Associated Press/Photo by Jacquelyn Martin

Biden presser » President Biden spoke to reporters for an hour last night, hoping to allay Democratic fears and quiet calls for him to end his reelection bid.

BIDEN: I am not in this for my legacy. I’m in this to complete the job I started.

The news conference came at the end of the NATO summit in Washington. Biden highlighted his support for the alliance and warned that a second Trump presidency could undermine the strength of NATO.

BIDEN: My predecessor has made it clear, he has no commitment to NATO.

But the focus of the press conference remained squarely on President Biden and whether he’s still up to the task of heading the Democratic ticket in November. But Biden insisted …

BIDEN: I am the most qualified person to run for president. I beat him once, and I’ll beat him again.

The president, by and large, was much sharper than at last month’s presidential debate.

But two sound bites from Thursday cast a shadow over his argument that he’s still the best man for the job: In one instance, he misspoke when expressing his confidence in Vice President Kamala Harris.

BIDEN: I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I think she’s not qualified to be president. So let’s start there.

And hours earlier, he inadvertently introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “President Putin” before correcting himself.

Lawmakers on Biden situation » Now the question is will President Biden’s pitch last night be enough to calm anxious Democrats who fear their political fortunes are sailing into an iceberg?

While most Democratic lawmakers have not publicly called for Biden to step aside. enthusiastic supporters are becoming harder to find on Capitol Hill. Sen. Corey Booker:

BOOKER: We’re going to defeat Donald Trump.

REPORTER: Is Biden the best person to do that?

BOOKER: Again, I feel we’re going to beat Donald Trump. I’m focused on the work at hand.

And Senator Sheldon Whitehouse spoke to reporters just ahead of a meeting with Biden’s campaign staff to talk through their concerns.

WHITEHOUSE: We’re having this meeting for a good reason, and we’re very interested to hear how they make their case.

Top Democrats in the House also remain noncommittal about backing Biden.

Polling conducted since the debate two weeks ago suggest Republicans are on track to win the White House and both chambers of Congress.

Some Democratic officials reportedly feel Biden could still be convinced to pass the torch and allow Vice President Harris to run in his place. But the idea some have floated of holding a mini primary in the weeks ahead would be a much tougher sell.

NATO - China/Russia » At the close of this week’s NATO summit, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said he’s not worried about the fate of the alliance should Trump move back into the White House.

STOLTENBERG: The main criticism from former President Trump, but also from other former presidents, has not been against NATO. It has been against NATO allies not investing enough in NATO. And that has changed. The clear message has had an impact, because now allies are really stepping up.

Stoltenberg also spoke to the future of Ukraine, which was a key focus during the summit.

STOLTENBERG: Ukraine's future is in NATO and we will support you on your irreversible path to NATO membership.

CNN reports that the U.S. and Germany foiled a Russian plot earlier this year to assassinate the CEO of a major German arms maker supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Stoltenberg did not speak directly to the report, but says Moscow has shown a pattern of hostile actions and that NATO is not intimidated.

Garland inherent contempt » A vote to hold U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt failed in the House of Representatives yesterday.

AUDIO: Four GOP members voted with Democrats to shoot down the measure, while more than ten others abstained.

It would have fined Garland ten-thousand dollars per day for each day in which he refuses to hand over audio recordings of special counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with President Biden.

Florida Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna introduced the measure.

LUNA: Now therefore be it resolved that Merrick Garland, attorney general of the United States is found in contempt of the House of Representatives for disobeying the February 27, 2024 subpoena…

This resolution was separate from a contempt measure last month which did pass. It found Garland in contempt of Congress.

The recordings in question captured Mr. Hur’s questioning of the president of the mishandling of classified documents.

Shelley Duvall obit » Actress Shelley Duvall has died at the age 75. She was best known for starring opposite Jack Nicholson in the 1980 film “The Shining” and for her portrayal of Olive Oyl that same year in the live-action Popeye movie.

SOUND [Duvall Popeye clip]

Duvall died Thursday in her sleep at her home in Blanco, Texas due to complications from diabetes.

I’m Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: on Culture Friday, Republican leaders change their tune on abortion. Plus, this month’s Word Play.

This is The World and Everything in It.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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