End of the trail | WORLD
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End of the trail


WORLD Radio - End of the trail

A 31-year French treasure hunt comes to an end

Image from the front cover of Sur La Trace De La Chouette D'Or (On The Trail Of The Golden Owl) by Max Valentin

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Thousands of treasure seekers have been on the hunt in France…for 31 years!

That’s due to a book titled “On the Trail of the Golden Owl.” Contained within are 11 riddles to solve. Here’s one riddle read by sleuths on Red Web Audio:

ANNOUNCER: Clue number 3 or riddle number 3…wherever you want, by the ross and the coachman, but wherever you have to, by the compass and the foot.

(“Ross” is a horse, by the way.) A 12th clue leads to a token which can be exchanged for a golden owl statue.

Well, after all this time... last week, someone solved all the riddles and found the token! The news both thrilled and disappointed sherlocks immersed in the challenge. News went out on gaming platforms to “stop digging.”

The winner’s name is yet unannounced, but that golden owl?...is worth $165,000!

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: That’s a hoot!

REICHARD: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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