Cal Thomas: Representative Mace should repent | WORLD
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Cal Thomas: Representative Mace should repent


WORLD Radio - Cal Thomas: Representative Mace should repent

God takes all sin seriously–including sex outside of marriage. We should, too.

Rep. Nancy Mace speaks with reporters at the Capitol in Washington. Associated Press/Photo by J. Scott Applewhite

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Today is Thursday, August 3rd. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Myrna Brown.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard. Last week was the 13th Annual South Carolina Prayer Breakfast, taking place in the nation’s capital. One representative included some… rather frank talk. Here’s World commentator Cal Thomas.

CAL THOMAS, COMMENTATOR: Remarks by Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace at a South Carolina prayer breakfast, hosted by Senator and Republican Presidential Candidate Tim Scott, have caused a stir among believers and non-believers. If you haven’t heard, she said her “fiance” wanted to have an intimate moment in bed with her that morning, but she turned him down because it would make her late for the breakfast. She told her male friend (“fiance” is overused these days) she would be home in the evening and they could have their moment then.

One evangelical leader I spoke with had it right: “This is a very sad illustration of how very immature most believers are. That lack of maturity is a clear lack of discipleship.” Others, including Mace’s pastor, seemed to treat her remarks as something to be taken lightly. It isn’t. It should be noted that as Paul wrote, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” and “No one is righteous, no not one.” But there is a difference between acknowledging and repenting of sin and seeming to make fun or justifying it.

Senator Scott, who is single, claimed to have been a virgin in his early years of running for public office. Since then, he has admitted to having premarital sex, but told the National Journal: “the Bible is very clear: abstinence until marriage. Not to do so is a sin.” I don’t know if that counts as repentance, but it does remind people of the boundaries God has set for the benefit of his people and to preserve His image in us.

This is foremost a standard for believers. The world goes its own way, and we’ve seen the results in abortion, STD’s, living together, and broken marriages. Again, this is not to judge. Like everyone else, I, too, am a sinner, but saved by grace and through faith in Christ.

To mock God’s standard is to mock God. Congresswoman Mace is divorced and has two children. What kind of example is she setting for them? How can she tell them not to do what she is doing? What message does this send to weak Christians?

In First Corinthians Chapter 8, Paul writes: “Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.” His admonition applies to more than just eating meat.

One hopes a gentle rebuke from someone close to Congresswoman Mace will help her see the light, repent, and move out, or marry the man she has been sleeping with.

I’m Cal Thomas.

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