Cal Thomas: Florida’s high-stakes cannabis vote | WORLD
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Cal Thomas: Florida’s high-stakes cannabis vote


WORLD Radio - Cal Thomas: Florida’s high-stakes cannabis vote

Concerns about crime and health spark a fierce debate ahead of the crucial ballot measure

“Yes on 3” cap on the counter of a Trulieve dispensary in Hallendale Beach, Fla., Wednesday Associated Press/Photo by Rebecca Blackwell

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Today is Thursday, October 24th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Myrna Brown.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard. Up next, WORLD commentator Cal Thomas on Florida’s Amendment 3, a constitutional amendment that will legalize marijuana if enough Floridians vote for it.

CAL THOMAS: As in most presidential election years, state ballot measures are usually overlooked or downplayed by the national media. One is in Florida where a proposal would legalize cannabis to be administered by the state. Marijuana has been made legal in 24 states, three U.S. territories, and Washington D.C.

According to its supporters, Florida’s Amendment 3 would “allow adults 21 years or older to possess, purchase, or use marijuana products and marijuana accessories for non-medical personal consumption by smoking, ingestion, or otherwise.” The measure needs 60% voter support to pass.

The legalization campaign is being bankrolled almost entirely by one company: Trulieve. Since 2022, the major medical cannabis distributor has contributed over $92 million dollars to the Smart & Safe Florida political committee. According to the latest state campaign finance reports, those donations make up the lion’s share of the over $100 million dollars the group has raised. As of August 30th, the committee has spent more than $76 million dollars on passing the recreational marijuana constitutional proposal.

If Trulieve’s bid for victory in Florida is successful, the company will expand its massive influence in the state, where it already has 156 dispensaries. Last year Trulieve reported revenue of $1.13 billion dollars.

This is about money, big money.

The Florida Police Chiefs Association is against the amendment saying it’ll open the door for more crime, homelessness and traffic deaths. But pro-legalization forces are using a county sheriff in TV ads. He claims allowing people to use marijuana will free-up law enforcement to focus on dangerous criminals and drugs.

What the ads don’t say is the effects marijuana has. Not only in the potential for distracted driving, but causing severe mental health issues. Marijuana has been promoted as a “safe” drug, but a New York Times investigation found otherwise.

Times reporters discovered that nationwide psychiatrists are treating a rising number of marijuana users for “delusions, paranoia and other symptoms of psychosis.” The story also reports that hospital emergency departments are encountering many patients with severe vomiting induced by the drug—a once rare condition that the article says is now common. One doctor describes them as: “writhing around in pain.”

It’s a myth that people can’t become addicted to marijuana. As the Times reported: “About 18 million people — nearly a third of all users ages 18 and up — have reported symptoms of cannabis use disorder.” That would mean they continue to use the drug despite significant negative effects on their lives. Of those, about three million people are considered addicted.

What happens when marijuana users get behind the wheel of a car and are as incapacitated as they might be had they consumed more than the legal limit of alcohol? Should someone be killed, those promoting legalization of the drug will be partially responsible.

One of the purposes of the law is to restrain people from causing harm to themselves and society. It’s why Amendment 3 and similar ballot measures should be defeated.

I’m Cal Thomas.

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